Great Britain Official And Employees Early Works To 1800 : The catalogue of the chancellors of England, the lord keepers of the Great Seale: and the lord treasurers of England : With a collection of divers that have been masters of the Rolles. By I.P. Summerset herald.; Philipot, John,
Great Britain Officials And Employees 17th Century Early Works To : By the Lord Protector. : A proclamation of His Highnes, with the consent of his Council, for continuing all persons being in office for the execution of publike justice at the time of the late change of government, untill his Highnes further direction.; England and Wales.
Great Britain Officials And Employees Discipline Early Works To 1800 : Subtilty and cruelty: or A true relation of the horrible and unparalleld abuses and intolerable oppressions, exercised by Sir Sackvile Crow His Majesties ambassador at Constantinople, and his agents, in seizing upon the persons and estates of the English nation resident there, and at Smyrna. : Together with the barbarous and tyrannical intentions to doe the like upon their persons and estates in all other parts of the Grand Signors dominions. Directly contrary to the truth reposed in him by his Majesty, and his owne agreement with the Company of Merchants of England trading into the Levant seas, at whose charge he is there maintained.
Great Britain Officials And Employees Legal Status Laws Etc Early Works To : An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, : for disabling delinquents to bear office, or to have any voyce or vote in the election of any major, recorder, sheriffs, aldermen, assistants, bayliffs, town-clerk, common-councel-man, steward of any court, constable, or any other officer, in city, borough, or town corporate, or universities, or other place in the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales. 4 Octobr. 1647. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.; England and Wales.
Great Britain Parliament History : A letter sent by F.A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse : betweene Arthur Hall, and Melchisedech Mallerie gentleman, to his very friende L.B. being in Italie. VVith an admonition to the father of F.A. to him being a burgesse of the Parliament, for his better behauiour therein.; Hall, Arthur,
Great Britain Parliament History Early Works To 1800 : The remonstrance of the Commons of England, to the House of Commons assembled in Parliament : preferred to them by the hands of the Speaker.; Walker, Henry,