Great Britain Social Conditions 1979 : A skeleton service : the welfare state under the Tories / Michael Meacher ... [et al.] ; editing and research Alan Meale ... [et al].
Great Britain Social Conditions Humour Early Works To 1800 : Imago saeculi : the image of the age, represented in four characters, viz. the [brace] ambitious statesman, insatiable miser, atheistical gallant, factious schismatick : to which is added a pindarique elegie on the most learned and famous physitian Dr. Willis / by N. Williams.; N. W.
Great Britain Social Conditions Maps : Longman atlas of modern British history : a visual guide to British Society and politics, 1700-1970 / Chris Cook and John Stevenson.; Cook, Chris,
Great Britain Social Conditions Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Englands sad posture; or, A true description of the present estate of poore distressed England, : and of the lamentable condition of these distracted times, since the beginning of this civill, and unnaturall warr. / presented to the Right Honourable, pious and valiant, Edward, Earle of Manchester.; Calver, Edward,
Great Britain Social Exclusion Unit : Minority ethnic issues in social exclusion and neighbourhood renewal : a guide to the work of the Social Exclusion Unit and the Policy Action Teams so far / Cabinet Office.; Great Britain.
Great Britain Social Life And Customs 16th Century Early Works To : [A go]dly and profitable treatise, intituled Absolom his fall, or the ruin of roysters. : [Whe]rein euery Christian may [in a] mirrour behold the vile and [-]able abuse of curled long haire ...; W. T.
Great Britain Social Life And Customs 17th Century Humour Early Works : The justice of peace: or a vindication of peace from several late pamphlets, written by Mr. Congreve, Dennis, &c. In doggrel verse. Written at the request of a young lady, and dedicated to her. By a poet.; Poet,