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Great Britain Flood 1682 : England's most dreadful calamity by the late floods : being a most lamentable account of the great damages sustained by the fearful invndations, caused by the unparalell'd rain which fell on the 24th of April, 1682 : and the late rains which have lately hapned : containing the several houses, barns, cattle, out-houses, stacks of hay and corn, being carried away : together with the number of persons drowned, and of some thousands of acres of ground layed under water : giving a relation of the particular damage sustained in the city of London, and the suburbs thereof, at Branford, Camberwell, Dulwich, Depford, on the river Thames ...  1682 1
Great Britain Food Production : Food policy from farmer to people.; Wood, Norman,  1955 1
Great Britain Forecasting : The Victorian prophets : a reader from Carlyle to Wells / edited and with an introduction by P. Keating.  1981 1
Great Britain Forecasting Early Works To 1800   4
  Great Britain Foreign And Commonwealth Office -- 2 Related Subjects   2
Great Britain Foreign And Commonwealth Office   3
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations   12
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Africa : The economics of empire : Britain, Africa and the new imperialism, 1870-95 / William G. Hynes.; Hynes, William G.  1979 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Australia : Australia, Britain and the EEC, 1961 to 1963.; Gelber, Harry Gregor.  1966 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Baltic States : British trade and enterprise in the Baltic States, 1919-1925.; Hinkkanen-Lievonen, Merja-Liisa.  1984 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Brazil   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Caribbean : Britain and the United States in the Caribbean : a comparative study in methods of development / with and introduction by M.Perham.; Proudfoot, Mary.  1954 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations China : British trade and the opening of China, 1800-42.; Greenberg, Michael Menahem.  1951 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Communist Countries : Cold War at 30,000 feet : the Anglo-American fight for aviation supremacy / Jeffrey A. Engel.; Engel, Jeffrey A.  2007 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Early Works To 1800   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations European Economic Community   11
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations European Union Countries   3
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations France   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations France Burgundy   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations France Early Works To 1800   4
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Germany History 19th Century : Britain and the German Zollverein, 1848-66.; Davis, John R.,  1997 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Germany History 20th Century : Britain's economic blockade of Germany, 1914-1919 / Eric W. Osborne.; Osborne, Eric W.  2004 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Great Britain Early Works To 1 : A treaty marine between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. and the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Levvis XIV, the most Christian king : concluded at St. Germains in Laye, the twenty fourth day of February 1676/7.; England and Wales.  1677 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations History 17th Century : The currency of empire : money and power in seventeenth-century English America / Jonathan Barth.; Barth, Jonathan,  2021 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations History 19th Century : Gentlemanly capitalism and British imperialism : the new debate on empire / edited by Raymond E. Dumett ; with an afterword by P.J. Cain and A.G. Hopkins.  1999 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations History 20th Century   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations India Early Works To 1800 : Considerations humbly offered in relation to the East India trade.  1698? 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Ireland History 19th Century : Famine, land and politics : British government and Irish society, 1843-1850.; Gray, Peter,  1999 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Latin America History   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Malaysia History : British business in post-colonial Malaysia, 1957-70 : 'neo-colonialism' or 'disengagement'?; White, Nicholas J.,  2004 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Malaysia Malaya : The political economy of imperial relations : Britain, the sterling area, and Malaya, 1945-1960 / Alex Sutton (lecturer in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews).; Sutton, Alex,  2015 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Middle East   2
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Netherlands : State and trade : government and the economy in Britain and the Netherlands since the Middle Ages / edited by S. Groenveld and M. Wintle.; Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference  1992 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Netherlands History : Anglo-Dutch mercantile marine relations, 1700-1850 : ten papers / edited by J.R. Bruijn and W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns.  1991 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Netherlands History 17th Cen : By the King. A proclamation for prohibiting the importation or retailing of any commodities of the growth or manufacture of the states of the United Provinces..; England and Wales.  1665 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Persian Gulf Region : AngloArabia : why Gulf wealth matters to Britain / David Wearing.; Wearing, David,  2018 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Scandinavia History 18th Cen : War and trade in northern seas : Anglo-Scandinavian economic relations in the mid-eighteenth century.; Kent, H. S. K.  1973 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations Sweden History 17th Century : From Stockholm to St.Petersburg : commercial factors in the political relations between England and Sweden, 1675-1700.; Astrom, Sven-Erik.  1962 1
Great Britain Foreign Economic Relations United States   2
  Great Britain Foreign Office -- See Also Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Great Britain Foreign Office   7
Great Britain Foreign Office Information Research Dept : Britain, America, and anti-communist propaganda, 1945-53 : the Information Research Department / Andrew Defty.; Defty, Andrew,  2004 1
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion : Britishness, identity and citizenship [electronic resource] : the view from abroad / edited by Catherine McGlynn, Andrew Mycock and James W. McAuley.  2011 1
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion American History 18th Century : The king's three faces : the rise & fall of royal America, 1688-1776 / Brendan McConville.; McConville, Brendan,  c2006 1
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion Commonwealth : England through colonial eyes in twentieth-century fiction / Ann Blake, Leela Gandhi, and Sue Thomas.; Blake, Ann,  2001 1
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion French   4
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion French History Congresses : Français et Britanniques dans la drôle de guerre : actes du Colloque franco-britannique tenu à Paris du 8 au 12 décembre 1975 / Comité d'histoire de la 2e guerre mondiale.; France.  1979 1
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion German : German anglophobia and the Great War, 1914-1918 / Matthew Stibbe.; Stibbe, Matthew.  2001 1
Great Britain Foreign Public Opinion Irish : Ireland and empire : colonial legacies in Irish history and culture.; Howe, Stephen,  2000 1
Great Britain Foreign Relation 1485 1603 : Tudor England and its neighbours / edited by Susan Doran and Glenn Richardson.  2005 1
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