Guinea Region History : Chronique de Guinee, 1453, de Gomes Eanes de Zurara / presentee par Jacques Paviot ; traduite & annotee par Leon Bourdon ; avec la participation de Robert Ricard ... [et al.].; Zurara, Gomes Eanes de.
Guinea Region History 17th Century : Making money : life, death, and early modern trade on Africa's Guinea Coast / Colleen E. Kriger.; Kriger, Colleen E.,
Guinnard A 1832 : Trois ans chez les Patagons : le récit de captivité d'Auguste Guinnard, 1856-1859 / introduction & dossier historique de Jean-Paul Duviols.; Guinnard, A.,
Guinness Arthur Son And Company : Guinness 1886-1939 : from incorporation to the Second World War / S.R. Dennison and Oliver MacDonagh.; Dennison, Stanley Raymond.
Guinness Brewery Dublin : Guinness 1886-1939 : from incorporation to the Second World War / S.R. Dennison and Oliver MacDonagh.; Dennison, Stanley Raymond.
Guise Charles De Lorraine Duc De 1571 1640 : A [b]riefe decla[r]ation of all things [th]at haue past and beene done before the [to]wne of Saint Iohn Dangely from the 27. of May, till this present time, by the Duke de Guise, and others against the sayd towne; : shewing their encounters, batterie, entrance into the subburbs, and seruing of barricadoes: with the names and qualities of the lords that were there..
Guitar Music History And Criticism : Guitars : music, history, construction and players, from the Renaissance to rock / Tom and Mary Anne Evans.; Evans, Tom,
Guitar Studies And Exercises : Guitar specimen sight-reading tests (from 2009) : grades 1-8.; Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (Great Britain)
Guitarists : Instruments of desire : the electric guitar and the shaping of musical experience / Steve Waksman.; Waksman, Steve.