Gynaecology England Early Works To 1800 : The complete midvvife's practice enlarged in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man. : Containing a perfect directory or rules for midwives and nurses. As also a guide for women in their conception, bearing and nursing of children: from the experience of our English [sic] Viz. [brace] Sir Theodore Mayern, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich. Culpeper [brace] and others of foreign nations. With instructions of the queen of France's midwife to her daughter ... touching the practice of the said art. With a further discovery of those secrets kept close in the breast of Mr. Nich. Culpeper ... Illustrated with several cuts in brass.
Gynaecology History 16th Century : Making women's medicine masculine [electronic resource] : the rise of male authority in pre-modern gynaecology / Monica H. Green.; Green, Monica Helen.
Gynaecology Psychological Aspects : Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynecology : Official Journal of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology(ISPOG).
Gynaecology Social Aspects : Sexual health in obstetrics and gynecology / Janet Wilson, Marian Everett ; editor, James Walker.; Wilson, Janet D.
Gyor Hungary History Military : True newes of a notable victorie obtayned against the Turkes, by the right honourable Lorde, Adolph Baron of Swartzburg, the 18. day of March last past, anno 1598 : vvhen as he and his armie three houres before day, came before Raab, and tooke in that strong and well fenced hold and cittie / translated out of the high Dutch coppy ; printed first at Nurnbergh &c. ; by W.S.R.; W. S. R.
Gypsies History Poetry : The roads of the Roma : a PEN anthology of Gypsy writers / edited by Ian Hancock, Siobhan Dowd and Rajko Djuric.
Gypsies Nazi Persecution : From "race science" to the camps / Karola Fings, Herbert Heuss, Frank Sparing ; translated from the German by Donald Kenrick ; with a foreword by Henriette Asséo and a postscript by Gilad Margalit; Fings, Karola.
Gypsies Poetry : The roads of the Roma : a PEN anthology of Gypsy writers / edited by Ian Hancock, Siobhan Dowd and Rajko Djuric.
H 1937 Trials Litigation Etc : Case of H.v. France : judgment of 24 October 1989; [and] Case of Chichlian and Ekindjian : judgment of 28 November 1989.; European Court of Human Rights.
H 1949 Trials Litigation Etc : Case of O v. the United Kingdom, H. v. the United Kingdom, W v. the United Kingdom, B v. the United Kingdom, R v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 9 June 1988; Bouamar, judgment of 27 June 1988 (judgments concerning the application of Article 50).; European Court of Human Rights.