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Henry King Of England 1207 1272 : Answer to such motives as were offer'd by certain military-men to Prince Henry; Cotton, Robert,
Henry King Of England 1457 1509 : The first booke of the preseruation of King Henry the vij. when he was but Earle of Richmond, grandfather to the Queenes maiesty : compiled in English rythmicall hexameters.
Henry Matthew 1662 1714 Brief Enquiry Into The True Nature Of Schis : A reply by T.W. citizen of Chester, to a Vindication of Mr. M.H's Brief enquiry into the true nature of schism, from the exceptions of T.W. &c. By a person who conceals his name; T.W. citizen of Chester.
Henry Matthew 1662 1714 Brief Enquiry Into The True Notion Of Schis : A defence of Mr. M. H's brief enquiry into the nature of schism and the vindication of it : with reflections upon a pamphlet called The review, &c. : and a brief historical account of nonconformity from the Reformation to this present time.; Tong, William,
Henry Prince Of Bohemia 1629 : An elegie vpon the most deplorable death of Prince Henry, eldest sonne to the king of Bohemia : who vpon the 9th of Ianuary last passing to Harlem, most unfortunately perished / [by] R. Abbey.; Abbey, R.
Henry Ship : The forgotten trade : comprising the log of the Daniel and Henry of 1700 and accounts of the slave trade from the minor ports of England, 1698-1725 / Nigel Tattersfield ; with a foreword by John Fowles.; Tattersfield, Nigel,
Henry Vii King Of England : The historie of that vvise and fortunate prince, Henrie of that name the seventh, King of England : With that famed battaile, fought betweene the sayd King Henry and Richard the third named Crookbacke, upon Redmoore neere Bosworth. In a poem by Charles Aleyn.; Aleyn, Charles,