Housing Abandonment Great Britain : The slow death of great cities? : urban abandonment or urban renaissance / Anne Power and Katharine Mumford.; Power, Anne.
Housing And Health England London Early Works To 1800 : By the King : a proclamation against inmates and multitudes of dwellers in strait roomes and places in and about the cities of London, and for the rasing and pulling downe of certaine new erected buildings.; England and Wales.
Housing Development : The new urban frontier [electronic resource] : gentrification and the revanchist city / Neil Smith.; Smith, Neil,
Housing Development England London Early Works To 1800 : A particular of the new-buildings within the bills of mortallity [sic], and without the city of London, from the year 1656 to 1677 according to the account now taken by the church-wardens of the several parishes : and the old account of new houses from 1620 to 1656, and what they did amount to at one whole years value, as appears by the duplicates in the exchequer.
Housing Economic Aspects : Understanding affordability : economics of housing markets / Geoffrey Meen and Christine Whitehead.; Meen, Geoffrey P.,
Housing England Hull History : Court housing in Kingston upon Hull : an example of cyclic processes in the morphological development of nineteenth-century bye-law housing.; Forster, C. A.
Housing England Liverpool : Nick Broomfield [videorecording] : the early works / directed by Nick Broomfield.
Housing Finance England Early Works To 1800 : The great designs of parliaments, have ever been, when duties are granted, that the subjects may have as little trouble and disturbance from the officers and collectors as is possible: : and therefore, the consideration of what followeth, is humbly offered and presented to the honourable House of Commons, before passing the Act for a duty to be laid upon houses & windows.; Canning, William,
Housing France : Les loyers des bourgeois de Paris, 1860-1958.; Marnata, Françoise.
Housing Great Britain Planning : Post-war building policy / The National Federation of Building Trades Operatives.; National Federation of Building Trades Operatives.