Housing England Hull History : Court housing in Kingston upon Hull : an example of cyclic processes in the morphological development of nineteenth-century bye-law housing.; Forster, C. A.
Housing England Liverpool : Nick Broomfield [videorecording] : the early works / directed by Nick Broomfield.
Housing Finance England Early Works To 1800 : The great designs of parliaments, have ever been, when duties are granted, that the subjects may have as little trouble and disturbance from the officers and collectors as is possible: : and therefore, the consideration of what followeth, is humbly offered and presented to the honourable House of Commons, before passing the Act for a duty to be laid upon houses & windows.; Canning, William,
Housing France : Les loyers des bourgeois de Paris, 1860-1958.; Marnata, Françoise.
Housing Great Britain Planning : Post-war building policy / The National Federation of Building Trades Operatives.; National Federation of Building Trades Operatives.
Housing Malaysia : Masyarakat setinggan di wilayah persekutuan = Squatter communities in the federal territory.; Abdul Halim bin Othman.
Housing Management : Social pressures in informal groups : a study of human factors in housing / by L. Festinger, S. Schachter and K. Back.; Festinger, Leon,
Housing Management Great Britain : Housing, community, and conflict : understanding resident involvement / edited by Charlie Cooper and Murray Hawtin.
Housing Massachusetts Boston : Shaky palaces : homeownership and social mobility in Boston's suburbanization / M. Edel, E.D. Sclar and D. Luria.; Edel, Matthew.
Housing Policy Citizen Participation : Sharing power : integrating user involvement and multi-agency working to improve housing for older people / G. Midgley, I. Munlo, M. Brown.; Midgley, Gerald.
Housing Policy European Union Countries : Housing and integration of migrants in Europe / authors, Wolfgang Bosswick, Doris Lüken-Klaßen and Friedrich Heckmann.; Bosswick, W.
Housing Policy France : The social structures of the economy / Pierre Bourdieu.; Bourdieu, Pierre,