Humbert Agnes : Notre guerre : souvenirs de résistance : Paris 1940-41, le bagne, occupation en Allemagne / Agnès Humbert ; introduction de Julien Blanc.; Humbert, Agnès.
Humble Advice And Earnest Desires Of Certain Well Affected Ministers Lectur : The Parliament justified in their late proceedings against Charls Stuart, or a brief discourse concerning the nature and rise of government, together with the abuse of it in tyranny, and the peoples reserve. : As also an answer to a certain paper, entituled, The humble advice of the lecturers of Banbury in the county of Oxon, and Brackley in the county of Northampton. / By J: Fidoe, T: Jeanes, W: Shaw, students in Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge.; Fidoe, John,
Humble Apologie Of The English Catholicks : An answer to a pamphlet entituled The humble apologie of the English Catholicks / written by a Royalist before Christmas, 1666.; Royalist.
Humble Declaration Tender And Petition Of Divers Cordiall And Wel Affected : The sea-men undeceived: or, Certaine queries to a printed paper, intituled, The humble tender and declaration of many wel-affected sea-men, commanders of ships, and members of Trinity-House, to the commissioners of the navy. : Wherein are may [sic] objections answered, very necessary for publick use in these times. / By R.B. a seaman, and member of the Trinity-House. Directed to marriners and sea-men in generall, and to all others among whom the fore-mentioned printed papers have been spread. But more especially it is commended to the underwriters of the said paper. Published according to order. Read all or none.; R. B.
Humble Motives For Association To Maintaine Religion Established : A briefe censure vpon the Puritane pamphlet : entituled, (humble motyves, for association to maintayne religion established.) Reprooving of it so many vntruthes, as there be leaues in the same.
Humble Petition Of The Inhabitants Of The Cityes Of London And Westminster : A Discovery of the ivglings and deceitfvll impostvres of a scandalous libell against the Parliament : published in the forme of a petition to the Houses of Parliament in the name of the inhabitants of London and Westminster and inhabitants of Southwarke pretended to be distressed in point of conscience.
Humble Petition Of The Lord Major Aldermen And Commons Of The City Of Londo : Die Sabbathi 19. Decembris, 1646. : It is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the city printer shall print and publish the two petitions presented to the house this day ... / John Browne cler. Parliamentorum.; England and Wales.
Humble Representation Of Some Officers Of The Army To The Right Honourable : The Lord General Fleetwoods answer to the Humble representation of Collonel Morley, and some other late officers of the Army. : Wherein he declares his judgement and conscience what is the good old cause, and for a free parliament, as the onely expedient for Englands settlement. Novemb. 8. 1659.; Fleetwood, Charles,
Humble Representation Of The Pressing Greivances Sic And Important Desires : Die Sabbathi 19. Decembris, 1646. : It is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the city printer shall print and publish the two petitions presented to the house this day ... / John Browne cler. Parliamentorum.; England and Wales.
Humboldtia Laurifolia Sri Lanka : Biodiversity of the Domatia Occupants (ants, wasps, bees, and others of the Sri Lankan Myrmecophyte Humboldtia laurifolia Vahl (Fabaceae) / K.V. Krombein ... [et al.].
Humby England Maps : [Lincolnshire] [cartographic material] : sheet TF 03 SW.; Great Britain.
Hume Alexander Schoolmaster : The defence of the article: Christ descended into Hell : VVith arguments obiected against the truth of the same doctrine: of one Alexander Humes. All which reasons are confuted, and the same doctrine cleerely defended. By Adam Hyll, D. of Diuinity.; Hill, Adam,
Hume Basil 1923 1999 : Cardinal Hume and the changing face of English Catholicism.; Stanford, Peter,
Hume David 1560 1630 : The Bishop of Gallovvay his dikaiologie : contayning a iust defence of his former apologie. Against the iniust imputations of Mr. Dauid Hume.; Cowper, William,
Humfrey John 1621 1719 Answer To Dr Stillingfleets Book Of The Unre : Some short remarks upon a book, entituled, An answer (but is none) to Dr. Stillingfleet's sermon, by some nonconformists : in a letter to his friend in London from a person of quality in the country.
Humfrey John 1621 1719 Humble Vindication Of A Free Admission Into : A scripture-rale to the Lords Table; or, Observations upon M. Humphreys his treatise, intituled, An humble vindication of free admission to the Lords Supper. : Tending to discover the loose and prophane principles therein suggested. Published for the undeceiving the weak, and removing offences occasioned by it in the practice of reformation. Being the result of the discourses of some preachers in the county of Gloucester near Stow on the Wold, at their weekly meetings. / Digested by Anthony Palmer pastor of the Church of Christ at Bourton on the Water.; Palmer, Anthony,
Humfrey John 1621 1719 Middle Way Of Perfection With Indifferency B : The way of life and perfection livingly demonstrated in some serious animadversions : or remarks and answers upon the book entituled The middle way of perfection, with indifferency between the orthodox and the Quaker, herein considered, and the naked truth as it is in Christ Jesus, opened in real love to the souls of men / by George Whitehead.; Whitehead, George,