Indians Of North America History Colonial Period Ca 1600 1775 Early : The glorious progress of the Gospel, amongst the Indians in New England. / Manifested by three letters, under the hand of that famous instrument of the Lord Mr. John Eliot, and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew jun: both preachers of the Word, as well to the English as Indians in New England. Wherein the riches of Gods grace in the effectuall calling of many of them is cleared up: as also a manifestation of the hungring desires of many people in sundry parts of that country, after the more full revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to the exceeding consolation of every Christian reader. Together, with an appendix to the foregoing letters, holding forth conjectures, observations, and applications. By I.D. minister of the Gospell. Published by Edward Winslow.
Indians Of North America History Study And Teaching : Why you can't teach United States history without American Indians / edited by Susan Sleeper-Smith [and four others] ; contributors, Chris Andersen [and twenty one others].
Indians Of North America Hudson Bay Region : Andrew Graham's observations on Hudson's Bay, 1767-91 / edited by Glyndwr Williams; with an introduction by Richard Glover.; Graham, Andrew,
Indians Of North America Idaho Wars : The Bear River massacre : being a complete sourcebook and storybook of the genocidal action against the Shoshones in 1863 and of Gen. P.E. Connor and how he related and dealt with Indians and Mormons on the Western Frontier / by Newell Hart.; Hart, Newell.
Indians Of North America Land Transfers History : Conquest by law : how the discovery of America dispossessed indigenous peoples of their lands / Lindsay G. Robertson.; Robertson, Lindsay Gordon.
Indians Of North America Languages Texts : Assembled for use : Indigenous compilation and the archives of early Native American literatures / Kelly Wisecup; Wisecup, Kelly,