Industrial Policy United States Congresses : Industrial transformation : environmental policy innovation in the United States and Europe / edited by Theo de Bruijn and Vicki Norberg-Bohm.
Industrial Procurement Europe : International marketing and purchasing of industrial goods : an interaction approach / by IMP Project Group ; editor, Håkan Håkansson.
Industrial Productivity Hungary Econometric Models : A stochastic frontier approach to firm level efficiency, technological change and productivity during the early transition in Hungary / Jenifer Piesse and Colin Thirtle.; Piesse, Jenifer.
Industrial Productivity Social Aspects Canada : The review of economic performance and social progress, 2002 : towards a social understanding of productivity / edited by Keith Banting, Andrew Sharpe and France St-Hilaire.
Industrial Products Storage : Storage and supply of materials : inbound logistics for commerce, industry and public undertakings / David Jessop, Alex Morrison.; Jessop, D. A.,
Industrial Promotion Developing Countries : Privatization, enterprise development and economic reform : experiences of developing and transitional economies / edited by Paul Cook, Colin Kirkpatrick, Frederick Nixson.
Industrial Promotion East Asia : An East Asian model for Latin American success : the new path / Anil Hira.; Hira, Anil.
Industrial Promotion Europe Eastern : Privatization, enterprise development and economic reform : experiences of developing and transitional economies / edited by Paul Cook, Colin Kirkpatrick, Frederick Nixson.
Industrial Promotion Hungary : Context and policies for the transformation and growth of SMEs : the case of Hungary with Russian implications.; Dallago, Bruno,
Industrial Promotion Russia Federation : Context and policies for the transformation and growth of SMEs : the case of Hungary with Russian implications.; Dallago, Bruno,
Industrial Psychiatry Handbooks Manuals Etc : Mental health and productivity in the workplace : a handbook for organizations and clinicians / Jeffrey P.Kahn, Alan M. Langlieb,editors ; foreword by Marcia Kraft Goin.