Inland Navigation Denmark History : Hjejlen : "The Golden Plover" : Denmark's oldest steamship and the navigation of the Himmelbjerg Lakes and the Guden River / [translated from the Danish by H. Bevan Ward].; Lebech, Mogens.
Inland Navigation England Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : An act for making navigable the river of VVye. : Thursday, the 26th of June, 1651. Ordered by the Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.; England and Wales.
Inland Navigation Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation, for the careful custody and well-ordering of the New River, brought from Chadwell and Amwell to the north-part of the City of London..; Great Britain.
Inland Navigation Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : Whereas there was a bill brought into this honourable house about two years ago to make the river of Dee navigable, : upon the petition of the city of Chester and pursuant to an agreement made with Francis Gell, merchant, which could not then pass for want for time ...
Inland Navigation Law And Legislation England Lincolnshire : Instructions for jury-men on the Commission of Sewers : shewing, 1. what they are to surveigh and view, 2. what to enquire and present, 3. how, delivered in a charge to 3 several juries at a session of Sewers holden at Spalding in the county of Lincoln : to which is added two other charges, the one concerning Lovell's works the other touching the river of Glean in the said county.; England and Wales.
Inland Navigation Wales Early Works To 1800 : The case of the gentlemen, freeholders, and other the inhabitants of the county of Flint, : humbly offered to the Honourable House of Commons, against Mr. Gell's bill for making the river Dee in the County of Flint and Chester Navigable.
Inland Water Transport England Early Works To 1800 : To his Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging: is humbly presented A Mediterranean passage by water between the two sea towns Lynn & Yarmouth : upon the two rivers the Little Owse, and Waveney. With farther results.; Mathew, Francis,
Inland Water Transportation England : A mediterranean passage by water, from London to Bristol, &c., and from Lynne to Yarmouth, and so consequently to the city of York : for the great advancement of trade & traffique / by Francis Mathew, Esquire.; Mathew, Francis,
Inland Water Transportation England London Early Works To 1800 : The prices and rates that euerye perticuler person ovveth to pay for his fayre or passage, vnto watermen, or whyrrymen : from Londo[n] to Grauesende, and likewise from Grauesende to London, and to euery commen landyng place, betwene the sayd two places, and the rates and pryces also of an hole fare in a whyrye, tylte bote, or tyde bote, to and from any of the said places hereafter breyfelye appeareth.; Watermen's Company (London, England)
Inland Water Transportation England London Metropolitan Area Transit Charge : A Book containing the several rates for wharfage and cranage, to be taken and paid at the wharfs and keys of the new channel or cut of Bridewel-Dock and Fleet-Channel, from the River of Thames to Holborn-Bridge, set and appointed by the King's Majesty, with the advice of his Privy-Council : and also for tolls and other profits arising by the navigation of the said channel or cut : set and appointed by the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen ... in pursuance of an act of Parliament, entituled, An additional act for the rebuilding of the city of London, &c.
Inland Water Transportation Law And Legislation England Early Works To : The case of Richard Scotcher : one of the persons impowred by act of Parliament, to make the river Wye in the county of Surrey navigable, truly stated. And humbly presented to the consideration of the Parliament of England, Scotland and Ireland and every member thereof.; Scotcher, Richard,
Inland Water Transportation Law And Legislation England Lincolnshire : Instructions for jury-men on the Commission of Sewers : shewing, 1. what they are to surveigh and view, 2. what to enquire and present, 3. how, delivered in a charge to 3 several juries at a session of Sewers holden at Spalding in the county of Lincoln : to which is added two other charges, the one concerning Lovell's works the other touching the river of Glean in the said county.; England and Wales.
Inland Water Transportation Transit Charges Early Works To 1800 : The case of the daughters of the late Earl of Rochester, : and grandaughters and heirs to John Mallet, Esquire, as to their bill for settling the navigation of the new cut river, leading from Bridgewater to Taunton.