Investments Foreign Law And Legislation Europe Eastern : Investors' environmental guidelines : Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania / developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Community's PHARE Programme.
Investments Foreign Law And Legislation Ireland : The Common Market and common law : legal aspects of foreign investment and economic integration in the European Community, with Ireland as a prototype.; Temple Lang, John.
Investments Foreign Law And Legislation Middle East : International investment arbitration [electronic resource] : lessons from developments in the MENA region / Judge Dr Mohamed A.M. Ismail ; with a foreword by Professor Martin Hunter.; Ismail, Mohamed A. M.,
Investments Foreign Law And Legislation South Asia : Foreign investment, human rights and the environment : a perspective from South Asia on the role of public international law for development / by Shyami Fernando Puvimanasinghe.; Puvimanasinghe, Shyami Fernando.
Investments Foreign Management : Strategic business alliances : an examination of the core dimensions / Keith W. Gleister, Rumy Husan, and Peter J. Buckley.; Glaister, Keith Wilson.
Investments Foreign Pacific Area : Corporate links and foreign direct investment in Asia and the Pacific / edited by Edward K.Y. Chen and Peter Drysdale.
Investments Foreign Poland Case Studies : Foreign direct investment in transitional economies : a case study of China and Poland / Michael Du Pont.; Du Pont, Michael,
Investments Foreign Slovenia Case Studies : Foreign direct investment in central eastern Europe : case studies of firms in transition / [edited by] Saul Estrin, Xavier Richet, Josef C. Brada.
Investments Foreign Taxation Law And Legislation : Rethinking investment incentives : trends and policy options / Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann, Perrine Toledano, Lise Johnson, and Lisa Sachs, editors.
Investments History : Money mania : booms, panics, and busts from Ancient Rome to the Great Meltdown / Bob Swarup.; Swarup, Bob.
Investments History 20th Century : Triumph of the optimists : 101 years of global investment returns / Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton.; Dimson, Elroy,
Investments Japanese United States : The weight of the yen : how denial imperils America's future and ruin an alliance.; Murphy, R. Taggart.
Investments Law And Legislation : Research handbook on intellectual property and investment law [electronic resource] / edited by Christophe Geiger.
Investments Law And Legislation Europe : Investor protection in Europe : corporate law making, the MiFID and beyond / edited by Guido Ferrarini, Eddy Wymeersch.