Ireland Commercial Policy : The interest of Ireland in its trade and wealth stated in two parts : first part observes and discovers the causes of Irelands, not more increasing in trade and wealth from the first conquest till now : second part proposeth expedients to remedy all its mercanture maladies, and other wealth-wasting enormities, by which it is kept poor and low : both mix'd with some observations on the politicks of government, relating to the incouragement of trade and increse of wealth : with some reflections on principles of religion, as it relates to the premisses / by Richard Lawrence ...; Lawrence, Richard,
Ireland Cultural Policy : Making Ireland Irish : tourism and national identity since the Irish Civil War / Eric G.E. Zuelow.; Zuelow, Eric.
Ireland Defences : An account of the nature, situation, natural strength, and antient, and modern fortifications, of the several cities and garrison-towns in Ireland, that are still possessed by the forces of the late King James : their distances from Dublin, and each from the other, with the several approaches by which they may be attack't : also, a scenographical discription [sic] of the famous river Shannon, on which stands those two strong places, Limmerick and Athlone, the former of which is besieged by His Majesty in person, the latter by Lieutenant General Douglass / by an Irish officer, who served in the army under the late Duke of Ormond.; Irish officer.
Ireland Defences Early Works To 1800 : A new express from Ireland: : giving a full account of the third victory obtained by King VVilliam and Prince VVirtemberg in the storming of Limmerick: with an account of the killing five thousand on the spot. Licensed according to order, September the 5th. 1690.
Ireland Description And Travel Guidebooks History : The history of Bradshaw : a centenary review of the origin and growth of the most famous guide in the world / by G. Royde Smith.; Smith, G. Royde
Ireland Description And Travels To 1700 : Whereas there is an accurate account and description of Ireland designed to be made publick in the English Atlas undertaken by Moses Pitt of London, and in order thereto, some gentlemen in Dublin have agreed to meet weekly for reviewing such an account, as shall from time to time come from under the pen of Mr. William Molyneux, as also to bring in some materials to the said description; this is earnestly to entreat all persons that they would be pleased freely to communicate their answers to these following quæries, or any of them, directing them to Mr. William Molyneux nigh Ormonds Gate in Dublin, or to any other of their acquaintance in Dublin that may communicate to them the said Mr. Molyneux, not forgetting to specifie in their letters the place of their habitation that they may be again written to if occasion requires.; Molyneux, William,
Ireland Foreign Economic Relations England : Wednesday the eighteenth of August 1652, : resolved by the Parliament that the Parliament doth declare and order that any cattle, sheep, horses, corn, or grain of any kinde shall or may be exported ... from England into Ireland (without paying custom or excise in England); England and Wales.
Ireland Foreign Relations : A true account of the present state of Ireland : giving a full relation of the new establishment made by the late King James, as it was presented to the right honble [sic] the Earl of Shrewsbury, His Majesties most honourable Privy Council : with an account of what sums of money, arms, and number of officers arrived there from France : together with the state of Derry and Enniskilling and several other affairs relating to that kingdom, particularly of the proceedings of their Parliament there / by a person that with great difficulty left Dublin, June the 8th 1689.; Walker, George,
Ireland Foreign Relations Africa Southern : Ireland, the United Nations and Southern Africa : a public lecture delivered in Dublin, July 20th, 1967 / by Conor Cruise O'Brien.; O'Brien, Conor Cruise,