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Mark   Year Entries
Ireland High Court Of Chancery : Rules and orders appointed to be observed in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland : for preventing any abuses in the said court, multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charges to the suitors; and for their more expeditious and certain course of relief. By His Grace Michael Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Primate and Metropolitan, and Lord High Chancellor of all Ireland.; Boyle, Michael,  1685 1
Ireland Historical Geography   3
Ireland Historiography   9
Ireland Historiography Sources : Medieval Gaelic sources / Katharine Simms.; Simms, Katharine.  c2009 1
Ireland History   736
Ireland History 16th Century   5
Ireland History 16th Century Early Works To 1800 : Proclamations. 1542-01-23; England and Wales.  1542 1
Ireland History 16th Century Juvenile Literature : Change and conflict : Britain, Ireland and Europe from the late 16th to the early 18th centuries.; Rice, Patricia,  1994 1
Ireland History 17th Century   101
Ireland History 17th Century Early Works To 1800   129
Ireland History 17th Century Humour : Nevv Bartholmew Fayrings : presented to several members of the Juncto and Councell of State / by the Man in the moon.  1649 1
Ireland History 17th Century Juvenile Literature : Change and conflict : Britain, Ireland and Europe from the late 16th to the early 18th centuries.; Rice, Patricia,  1994 1
Ireland History 17th Century Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Hyberniae lachrymae : or, a sad contemplation on the bleeding condition of Ireland. To the Honourable and excellently well accomplish Sir Iohn Clotworthy knight, and collonel.  1648 1
Ireland History 17th Century Sources   6
Ireland History 17th Century Sources Early Works To 1800 : Orders establisht in the popish generall assembly, : held (under the specious pretence of supreme authority, and being his Majesties good subjects) at the city of Kilkenny in Ireland. Wherein both root and branches of the English nation, as also the very essence of Protestant religion are wholly struck at.; Ireland.  1643 1
Ireland History 18th Century   45
Ireland History 18th Century Biography   2
Ireland History 18th Century Early Works To 1800 : A view of the yearly value and yearly rent of ye estate of Sr. Redmond Everard return'd to the last Parliament.    1
Ireland History 18th Century Historiography : The making of modern Irish history : revisionism and the revisionist controversy / D. George Boyce and Alan O'Day.  1996 1
Ireland History 18th Century Juvenile Literature : Change and conflict : Britain, Ireland and Europe from the late 16th to the early 18th centuries.; Rice, Patricia,  1994 1
Ireland History 19th Century   184
Ireland History 19th Century Historiography : The making of modern Irish history : revisionism and the revisionist controversy / D. George Boyce and Alan O'Day.  1996 1
Ireland History 19th Century Juvenile Literature : The Irish question.  1977 1
Ireland History 19th Century Press Coverage Great Britain : The eternal Paddy : Irish identity and the British press, 1798-1882.; De Nie, Michael Willem.  c2004 1
Ireland History 20th Century   214
Ireland History 20th Century Fiction : Small things like these / Claire Keegan.; Keegan, Claire,  2022 1
Ireland History 20th Century Historiography : The making of modern Irish history : revisionism and the revisionist controversy / D. George Boyce and Alan O'Day.  1996 1
Ireland History 20th Century Juvenile Literature : The Irish question.  1977 1
Ireland History 20th Century Sources : Curious journey [videorecording] / directed by Gareth Wynn Jones.  2009 1
Ireland History 21st Century : The Great War and memory in Irish culture, 1918-2010 / Jason R. Myers.; Myers, Jason,  c2013 1
Ireland History 1172   2
Ireland History 1172 1603   25
Ireland History 1172 1603 Congresses   2
Ireland History 1172 1603 Early Works To 1800 : Hiberniæ Merlinus for the year of our Lord 1683. Being the first from bissextil or leap year. : Containing the constitutions of the air, the rising and setting of the sun, the tides, the terms and their returns, with many other useful observations, fitted to the longitude and latitude of all places within this kingdom of Ireland, and the western parts of England. With a chronology of all the chief governours from the 1th of Henry the 2d 1172 to this present year 1682, with many other remarkable observations and useful tables, with additions. With high-ways, fairs and markets: / John Bourke philomath.; Bourke, John,  1683 1
Ireland History 1172 1603 Periodicals : Peritia : journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland / editor: Donnchadh Ó Corráin ; review editor: Dáibhí Ó Cróinín.  2005 1
Ireland History 1172 1603 Sources   6
Ireland History 1172 1603 Sources Early Works To 1800 : Rerum Hibernicarum annales, regnantibus Henrico VII. Henrico VIII Edwardo VI. & Maria. Ab anno scil. Domini MCCCCLXXXV, ad annum MDLVIII. Per Jacobum Waræum, Equitem auratum; Ware, James,  1664 1
Ireland History 1525 1649 Early Works To 1800 : A great and bloody plot against the Protestants, discovered to have taken the castle at Dublin, and murthered the commissioners of Parliament. : Divers taken prisoners, among whom were, the Lord Tath, Sir Edward Varney, Colonell Vane, Colonell Barrey, Captaine Poore, Captaine Treswell, Mr. Brent a lawyer, Alderman Joanes, Alderman Clerke, and divers others. With a declaration by the Suprem [sic] Councell of the Confederate Catholicks at Kilkenny: and their treachery against the English Protestants. Also severall great victories obtained by the Lord Inchequin in Munster. And the defeat of the Irish rebels under Owen Roe O Neale. Certified by the commissioners letters from Dublin, appointed to be printed and published. Philip Fernelley, Cleric. Parl. Dom. Com.  1647 1
Ireland History 1558 1603   5
Ireland History 1558 1603 Early Works To 1800   11
Ireland History 1558 1603 Encyclopedias : Historical dictionary of the Elizabethan world : Britain, Ireland, Europe, and America.; Wagner, John A.,  1999 1
Ireland History 1558 1603 Historiography : Irish demons : English writings on Ireland, the Irish, and gender by Spenser and his contemporaries / Joan Fitzpatrick.; Fitzpatrick, Joan.  c2000 1
Ireland History 1558 1603 Sources : A proclamation for the obseruation and due execution of certayne statutes : and a summarie abridgement of euery of the same statutes folowyng, to be duely kept and obserued within this realme of Irelande. An.D. 1576. &. 19. Elizabeth Reginae..; Ireland.  1576 1
Ireland History 1595 1612   3
Ireland History 1595 1612 Early Works To 1800 : A collection of such orders and conditions, as are to be observed be [sic] the undertakers, upon the distribution and plantation of the eschaeted [sic] lands of Vlster..; England and Wales.  1609 1
Ireland History 1600 1649 Early Works To 1800 : A message from a committee of both Houses of Parliament, to the Spanish ambassador, to make stay of ships at Dunkerk, intended for the supply of the rebels in Ireland.; England and Wales.  1642 1
Ireland History 1603 1625   10
Ireland History 1603 1625 Early Works To 1800   2
Ireland History 1603 1714 Early Works To 1800 : The deplorable certificates of Mrs. Wandesford and others : The original of these to be produced if required.  1699 1
Ireland History 1625 1649   161
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