Jeanes Henry 1611 1662 Doctor Hammond His Ektenesteron : Euschēmonos kai kata taxin, or, The grounds of uniformity from I Cor. 14:40 : vindicated from Mr Jeanes's exceptions to one passage in the view of the directory / by H. Hammond ...; Hammond, Henry,
Jeanes Henry 1611 1662 Doctor Hammond His Ektenesteron Or A Greater : The refuter refuted. Or Doctor Hammond's Ektenesteron defended, : against the impertinent cavils of Mr. Henry Jeanes, minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in Somerset-shire. / By William Creed B.D. and rector of East-Codford in Wiltshire.; Creed, William,
Jeanes Henry 1611 1662 The Mixture Of Scholasticall Divinity With P : Ektenesteron, or, The degrees of ardency in Christs prayer reconciled with his fulnesse of habitval grace : in reply to the author of a book, intituled, A mixture of scholastical divinity with practical / by H. Hammond ...; Hammond, Henry,
Jeanes Inigo : The parricide papist, or, Cut-throate Catholicke : a tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion, the 11 of March last past, 1606 / written by G. Closse ...; Closse, George.
Jeanes Inigo 1606 : The parricide papist, or Cut-throate Catholicke : A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. The 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon.; Closse, George.
Jeanne Danjou Queen Of Naples : La reino Jano : tragedi prouvencalo : La reine Jeanne : tragedie provencale.; Mistral, Frédéric,
Jeanne Ii Queen Of Navarre 1311 1349 : A notable sermon made within S. Paules church in Lo[n]don : in the presence of certen of the kinges and Quenes moost honorable priuie cou[n]sell at the celebration of the exequies of the right excellent and famous princesse, lady Ione, Quene of Spayne, Sicilie [and] Nauarre. [et]c. the xviij. of Iune, Anno. 1555. By maister Iohn Feckenam, deane of the sayd churche of Paules. Set furth at the request of some in auctoritie whose request could not be denayed.; Feckenham, John de,
Jeauits : The plotts revealed and the Parliament vindicated: or a full discovery of the wicked designes, plotts and conspiracies of Iesuites, papists, popish prelates, and other popishly affected persons, from before the beginning of his now majesties raigne, unto this present : for the rooting out of the true Protestant religion, and to establish popery in this kingdome; with the severall waies and meanes this designe hath beene prosecuted. Setting forth the true causes and end of this uniust warre against the Parliament; and the point fully proved, that this warre is no new quarrell, nor caused by the militia but devillish malice against the intended reformation of the true Protestant Religion, plotted by Jesuites, and now managed by English and Irish papists and their abbettors. With a brief narration and vindication of the whole proceeding of this Parliament, from the beginning to this present; justified by nature, law and religion, against the false calumniations of all malignants, and sundry scurrilous and abusive pamphlets, of late printed to delude and deceive the kingdome:and lastly, may serve as a sufficient encouragement to all the people of this kingdome, to be no longer gazers on, but put their hands to the worke, b[---] a speedy uniting, with the hazard of life and fortune, in defence of Gods true worship, your owne rights, liberties, and this present parliament. Printed by order.
Jebb Eglantyne : Rebel daughter of a country house : the life of Eglantyne Jebb, founder of the Save the Children Fund.; Wilson, Francesca M.
Jeffares Alexander Norman : A shaping of connections : Commonwealth literature studies, then and now : essays in honour of A.N. Jeffares / edited by Hena Maes-Jelinek, Kirsten Holst Petersen and Anna Rutherford.
Jeffereys John : To the Honourable Committee of Priviledges and Elections. : The humble petition of Edward Progers Esq;.; Progers, Edward.
Jefferson D W Douglas William 1912 2001 : Literature, readers and dialogue : essays by and in reply to Douglas Jefferson / edited by Janet Clare and Veronica O'Mara.
Jefferson Joseph : The autobiography / edited by A. S. Downer.; Jefferson, Joseph.
Jefferson Line : From Cumberland to Cape Horn : the complete history of the sailing fleet of Thomas & John Brocklebank of Whitehaven and Liverpool ... and the early history of their associated company, Robert & Henry Jeffersons of Whitehaven, plantation owners, merchants and shipowners.; Hollett, D.
Jefferson Margo 1947 : Negroland : a memoir / Margo Jefferson.; Jefferson, Margo,
Jefferson Thomas 1743 1826 Career In Architecture : Thomas Jefferson, architect : Palladian models, democratic principles, and the conflict of ideals / Lloyd DeWitt and Corey Piper.; DeWitt, Lloyd,
Jefferson Thomas 1743 1826 Finance Personal : Jefferson's memorandum books : accounts, with legal records and miscellany, 1767-1826 / James A. Bear and Lucia C. Stanton, editors ; [series editors: Charles T. Cullen].; Jefferson, Thomas,
Jefferson Thomas 1743 1826 Influence : Mr. Jefferson's lost cause : land, farmers, slavery, and the Louisiana Purchase / Roger G. Kennedy.; Kennedy, Roger G.
Jeffery John 1647 1720 Dangerous Imposture Of Quakerism : The folly of a libeller made manifest : being some brief observations upon a libel, lately published, and abusively entituled, The dangerous imposture of Quakerism : wherein the envious abuses of that author are detected / by Richard Ashby.; Ashby, Richard,
Jeffery William 1616 1693 Antichrist Made Known : The light of Christ, and the word of life. : Cleared from the deceipts of the Deceiver, and his litterall weapons turned upon his owne head. Also the man of sin found out, who is hiding himselfe in a heape of confusion, pretending Antichrist is not yet come. Occasioned by laying open some deceipts in a booke titled, The deceiv'd and deceiving Quakers discovered; subscribed Mathew Caffin and William Jeffery, brethren in iniquitie, who are joyned to deny God, Christ, the light, and spirit, in his saints, and calls it teaching Christs spirit apart from his body, and an evill spirit, to witnesse the spirit of Christ in the saints. Set forth that the simple may see the wiles the devill hath to keepe them from the word of life, the soules salvation. / By a lover of Israels seede, called James Nayler.; Naylor, James,
Jeffery William 1616 1693 Lawfulness Of Tithes : A word of counsel, or, A warning to all young convinced Friends, and others whom it may concern, that are called forth to bear a testimony for the Lord in the case of tythe : which may also serve for answer to a late pamphlet, entituled, The lawfulness of tythes, by W.J., as it concerns the Quakers conscience in the case, the allegations thereof for the divine right of tythe being sufficiently confuted in divers treatises not taken notice of in the said pamphlet / Nicholas Homwood.; Homwood, Nicholas,
Jeffes Abel Active 1583 1599 : [Printer's mark (McK. 253), within border of type ornaments, from unidentified work.]
Jeffreyston Wales Maps : Pembrokeshire [cartographic material] : sheet SN 00 NE.; Great Britain.
Jefkins Elizabeth : The true relation of two wonderfull sleepers. : The one a woman in the little old Baily, her name Elizabeth Iefkins, who to the great admiration of the beholders, did sleep from Munday about 4 in the afternoone, July 25. untill the Saturday following, being August the first, at which time she dyed, with a particular relation of the strange passages during the time of her sleep, and the manner of her death. The other, being a man in Gravell-lane, by name John Underwood, hath already slept full nine dayes and nights, and doth still continue sleeping, with the most wonderfull manner of it.