Labor Unions Germany History : Auf dem Wege zur Massengewerkschaft : die Entwicklung der Gewerkschaften in Deutschland und Grossbritannien 1880-1914 / herausgegeben von Wolfgang J. Mommsen und Hans-Gerhard Husung.
Labor Unions Germany Political Activity : New politics in trade unions : applying organization theory to the ecological discourse on nuclear energy in Sweden and Germany.; Jahn, Detlef.
Labor Unions Great Britain Membership : Union retreat and the regions : the shrinking landscape of organized labour / Ron Martin, Peter Sunley and Jane Wills.; Martin, Ron L.
Labor Unions History 20th Century : ILO histories : essays on the International Labour Organization and its impact on the world during the twentieth century / edited by Jasmien Van Daele ... [et al.].
Labor Unions Hungary : Studies on the History of the Hungarian Trade-Union Movement / ed. by E. Kabos [and] A. Zsilak.
Labor Unions Italy History 20th Century : Politics and ideology in the Italian workers' movement : union development and the changing role of the Catholic and Communist subcultures in postwar Italy.; Bedani, Gino,
Labor Unions Jamaica Political Activity : Rise and organise : the birth of the workers and national movements in Jamaica, 1936-1939 / Richard Hart.; Hart, Richard,
Labor Unions Management Case Studies : Unions in a changing world : problems and prospects in selected industrialized countries.; Olney, Shauna L.
Labor Unions Massachusetts Textile Workers : Union-management cooperation in the "stretch out" : labor extension at the Pequot mills / by R.C. Nyman in collaboration with E.D. Smith.; Nyman, Richard Carter.