Law And Socialism Congresses : Evolution de l'ordre juridique socialiste tchécoslovaque : 1945-1980 : a propos du 35e anniversaire de la libération de la Tchécoslovaquie / édité par l’Union des juristes de la République socialiste tchécoslovaque
Law And Socialism History : Dominion and wealth : a critical analysis of Karl Marx' theory of commercial law / Donna C. Kline.; Kline, Donna C.
Law Anglo Saxon Historiography : The radical face of the ancient constitution : St. Edward's "laws" in early modern political thought.; Greenberg, Janelle Renfrow.
Law Anglo Saxon Sources : Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen : in der Ursprache mit Übersetzung, Erläuterungen.; Schmid, Reinhold,
Law Antiquities Early Works To 1800 : Of the law-terms, a discourse : wherein the laws of the Jews, Grecians, Romans, Saxons and Normans, relating to this subject are fully explained / written by ... Sir Henry Spelman, Kt.; Spelman, Henry,
Law Ashanti : Ashanti law and constitution.; Rattray, R. S.
Law Australia : The Commonwealth of Australia ; the development of its laws and constitution / Under the general editorship of G.W. Paton. With specialist contributors.; Paton, G. W.
Law Australia History : The Commonwealth of Australia ; the development of its laws and constitution / Under the general editorship of G.W. Paton. With specialist contributors.; Paton, G. W.