Learning And Scholarship England Sermons : Learning and knowledge recommended to the scholars of Brentwood School in Essex : in a sermon preached at their first feast, June 29, 1682 / by William Payne ...; Payne, William,
Learning And Scholarship Europe History To 1500 : Openness, secrecy, authorship : technical arts and the culture of knowledge from antiquity to the Renaissance / Pamela O. Long.; Long, Pamela O.,
Learning And Scholarship History 16th Century Early Works To 1800 : Nicolai Carri Nouocastrensis angli, græcæ linguæ in academia Cantabrigiensi nuper professoris regij : De scriptorum Britannicoru[m] paucitate, et studiorum impedimentis, oratio nunc primum ædita. Eiusdem fere argumenti, aliorum centones aliquot adijciuntur.; Carr, Nicholas,
Learning And Scholarship Humour : The semi-scholars / translated from the French and edited with an introduction by Rodney Needham.; Gennep, Arnold van,
Learning And Scholarship India : British contributions to Indian studies / Sir Atul Chatterjee and Sir Richard Burn.; Chatterjee, Atul Chandra,
Learning And Scholarship Miscellanea : A primer for the schollers and doctors of Europe : but especially to them in and about the (called) two famous universities in England, Oxford and Cambridge ... : being a brief rehearsal of some of the words and terms which have for several ages been used and now are used in their chief schools of learning and universities, contained in their seven liberal arts ... / by George Fox.; Fox, George,
Learning And Scholarship Miscellanea Early Works To 1800 : A primer for the schollers and doctors of Europe, : but especially to them in and about the (called) two famous universities in England, Oxford and Cambridge, to them, and every of them, whether tutors or schollers, batchellors and Masters of Arts, Batchellours of Divinity and Doctors of Divinity, or to any other member of that body, that hath sprung from these the two, so called, well heads of divinity, either such who keeps their station and trading there, or such who have learned their arts, sciences and trades there, and now improves them to their best advantage in the nation of England or elsewhere. Being a brief rehearsal of some of the words and terms which have for several ages been used, and now are used in their chief schools of learning and universities, contained in their seven liberal arts, ... / By George Fox.; Fox, George,
Learning And Scholarship Moral And Ethical Aspects : Ethics protocols and research ethics committees : successfully obtaining approval for your academic research / Dan Remenyi, Nicola Swan, Ben Van den Assem.; Remenyi, D.,
Learning And Scholarship Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Ode natalitia, vel Opus eius feriæ, quæ S. Stephani protomartyris nomine celebrata est anno 1574 : In memoriam P. Rami, optimi, et clarissimi virj.; Harvey, Gabriel,
Learning And Scholarship Religious Aspects Christianity : A defence of humane learning in the ministry, or, A treatise proving that it is necessary a minister (or preacher) should be skill'd in humane learning / by H. Th., St. Ch. Ch.; Thurman, Henry,
Learning And Scholarship Social Aspects : Scholarship in the digital age : information, infrastructure, and the Internet / Christine L. Borgman.; Borgman, Christine L.,