Lothian William Kerr Earl Of 1605 1675 : Papers from Scotland of transactions of the Scots Commissioners, : concerning the King and the Parliament of England. Delivered at the convention of estates at Edinburgh. Also a conference by the Marquis of Arguile, the Earle Louderdaile, and the Lord Lothean, with the English Commissioners. And the proceedings of the Grand Committee of Estates, and the Commissioners of the Kirk of Scotland.; Rosse, William.
Loti Pierre 1850 1923 Desenchantees : A Turkish woman's European impressions / by Zeyneb Hanoum ; edited & with an introduction by Grace Ellison.; Zeyneb,
Lotteries England Anecdotes : Prologue design'd for the last new farce, call'd The Fool's expectation, or, The Wheel of fortune : acted at the Theatre Royal in Dorset Gardens.
Lotteries England Humour : The arraignment, trial, and condemnation of Squire Lottery, alias Royal-Oak Lottery
Lotteries England London Early Works To 1800 : State lottery, 1783. : The tickets, are sold and divided into halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths, by Hazard and Co. stock-brokers, at their State Lottery Exchange, no. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where else on their account.; Hazard and Co. (Stock-brokers : London, England)
Lotteries England London Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Londons lotterie : with an incouragement to the furtherance thereof for the good of Virginia, and the benefite of this our natiue countrie, wishing good fortune to all that venture in the same[.] To the tune of Lusty Gallant.
Lotteries England Poetry : Diluvium lachrymarum : a review of the fortunate & unfortunate adventurers : a satyr in burlesque, upon the famous lottery, set up in Freeman's-yard in Corn-hill.
Lotteries England Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The wheel of fortune: or, Nothing for a penny : Being remarks on the dawing [sic] the penny-lottery, at the Theatre-Royal, in Dorset-Garden, with the characters of some of the honourable trustees, and all due acknowledgments paid to his honour the undertaker. Written by a person who was cursed mad he had not the thousand pound lot.
Lotteries Italy : A translation of the articles established by the most excellent magistracy of revisors and regulators of the publick revenue in the exchequer at Venice and approved by the Senate the 5th of March, 1693 : in matter of erecting a profitable adventure for the fortunate of one hundred and fifty thousand tickets or bolletines of two ducats each : March the 9th, 1693.; Neale, Thomas,
Lotteries Law And Legislation England London : By the Maior of London : where as a very rich lo[t]terie generall hath now lately bene erected by the order of our [m]ost dread soueraigne Lady, the Queenes most excellent M[a]iestie, and by Hir Highnesse commaundement since publish[ed] within this Hir Highnesse citie of London, the xxiii daye of August, in the ix yeare of Hir Maiesties most prosperous raigne ...; City of London (England).
Lotto Lorenzo Exhibitions : Lorenzo Lotto : rediscovered master of the Renaissance / David Alan Brown, Peter Humfrey, Mauro Lucco ; with contributions by Augusto Gentili ... [et.al].; Brown, David Alan,
Loubata Philiberta 1588 Or 9 1629 : Elegia Dauidis Echlini : Medici Reginæ. In funere charissimæ castissimæq[ue] coniugis Philibertæ Loubatæ, quæ nata Roanæ ad Ligerim obijt Londini, anno ætatos siæ 40. Domini 1629. die 8. Ianuarii. Ad Carolum Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ regem. Nunquid est dolor sicut dolor meus?; Echlin, David.
Loudoun County Va Social Conditions : Life in black and white : family and community in the slave South / Brenda E. Stevenson.; Stevenson, Brenda E.,
Loughborough England Description And Travel : A brief relation of a vvonderful accident : a dissolution of the earth, in the forest of Charnwood, about two miles from Loughborough in Leicestershire ; lately done, and discovered, and resorted to by many people, both old, and young / published by two lovers of art, I.C. and I.W.
Louis 1601 1643 : A conference betweene the two great monarchs of France and Spaine, concerning these our present proceedings in England. : Wherein is discoursed of the being of our runawayes under their dominions, with a consideration of their dangers past, in the wars betwixt England and them.