Ludgate Prison England : Ludgate, what it is, not what it was, or, A full and clear discovery and description of ... that prison : also, an exact catalogue of the legacies now belonging to the said prison, the names of the several donors, and the persons appointed to pay them ... / humbly presented to the Right Honorable Thomas Allen, Lord Mayor of this honorable city by M. Johnson ...; Johnson, Marmaduke,
Ludgershall Castle Wiltshire England Antiquities : Ludgershall Castle, Wiltshire : a report on the excavations by Peter Addyman, 1964-1972 / compiled and edited by Peter Ellis ; with contributions by Peter Addyman ... [et al.] ; illustrations by Deborah Cunliffe ... [et al.].
Ludlam Charles : Ridiculous theatre : scourge of human folly.
Ludlam Charles Criticism And Interpretation : Charles Ludlam lives! : Charles Busch, Bradford Louryk, Taylor Mac, and the queer legacy of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company / Sean F. Edgecomb.; Edgecomb, Sean F.,
Ludlam Charles Influence : Charles Ludlam lives! : Charles Busch, Bradford Louryk, Taylor Mac, and the queer legacy of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company / Sean F. Edgecomb.; Edgecomb, Sean F.,
Ludlow Castle Ludlow England : Ludlow Castle : its history & buildings / edited by Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson.
Ludlow Edmund : A voyce from the watch tower : part 5 : 1660-1662 / edited by A.B. Worden.; Ludlow, Edmund.
Ludlow Edmund Active 1691 1692 Letter From Major General Ludlow To : A letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Hollingworth ... : defending his former letter to Sir E.S. [i.e. Edward Seymour] which compared the tyranny of the first four years of King Charles the Martyr, with the tyranny of the four years of the late abdicated king, and vindicating the Parliament which began in Novemb. 1640 : occasioned by the lies and scandals of many bad men of this age.; Ludlow, Edmund,
Ludlow England History : Tvvo petitions : the one presented to the honourable House of Commons from the countie Hereford May the fourth, 1642 : the other to His Majestie and the Parliament from the towne of Ludlovv in the countie of Salop.
Ludolphus De Saxonia : The Vita Christi of Ludolphus the Carthusian, a dissertation.; Bodenstedt, Mary Immaculate.
Ludonarrative History And Criticism : Chaucer's losers, Nintendo's children, and other forays in queer ludonarratology / Tison Pugh.; Pugh, Tison,
Ludovici C Christian 1660 1728 : The Christian faith of the people of God, called in scorn, Quakers in Rhode-Island (who are in unity with all faithfull brethren of the same profession in all parts of the world) vindicated from the calumnies of Christian Lodowick, that formerly was of that profession, but is lately fallen there-from. : As also from the base forgeries, and wicked slanders of Cotton Mather, called a minister, at Boston, who hath greatly commended the said Christian Lodowick, and approved his false charges against us, and hath added thereunto many gross, impudent and vile calumnies against us and our brethren, in his late address, so called, to some in New-England, the which in due time may receive a more full answer, to discover his ignorance, prejudice and perversion against our friends in general, and G.K. in particular, whom he hath most unworthily abused. : To which is added, some testimonies of our antient friends to the true Christ of God; collected out of their printed books, for the further convincing of our opposers, that it is (and hath been) our constant and firm belief to expect salvation by the man Christ Jesus that was outwardly crucified without the gates of Jerusalem.; Keith, George,
Ludwig Daniel 1625 1680 : Michaelis Ettmulleri, Phil. et Med. D. ... Opera omnia, nempe, Institutiones medicinæ, cum notis. Tomus I : collegium practicum generale & speciale de morbis virorum, mulierum & infantium : collegium chirurgium : notæ in Morelli methodum de formulis medicamentorum præscribendis, in Ludovici dissertationes pharmaceuticas, & in Schroederi pharmacopœam : chymia rationalis, cum collegio casuali, & variis curiosisque dissertationibus aliis : opus posthumum, post varias editiones mancas, nunc hinc inde suppletum, & indice copiosissimo instructum / curâ D. Georgii Franci ...; Ettmüller, Michael,
Ludwig Ii King Of Bavaria : The dream king : Ludwig II of Bavaria; with a chapter on Ludwig and the arts.; Blunt, Wilfrid,
Luke Elizabeth Lady : A golden keye : opening the locke to eternall happines. Containing seuen most sweete and comfortable directions to a Christian life. By Francis Dillingham, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Preacher of Gods word at Wilden in Bedfordshire. The contents follow in the next page.; Dillingham, Francis,
Luke Jane : Jane Luke, spinster, appel. Samuel Christie, James Toothe, Henry Southouse, William Faldoe, John Faldoe, executors of Tho. Christie, respondents. The respondent's case..; Christie, Samuel.