Lute Early Works To 1800 : A nevv booke of tabliture : containing sundrie easie and familiar instructions, shevving hovve to attaine to the knovvledge, to guide and dispose thy hand to play on sundry instruments, as the lute, orpharion, and bandora: together vvith diuers nevv lessons to each of these instruments. VVhereunto is added an introduction to prickesong, and certaine familliar rules of descant, with other necessarie tables plainely shewing the true vse of the scale or gamut, and also how to set any lesson higher or lower at your pleasure. Collected together out of the best authors professing the practise of these instruments.; Barley, William,
Luther Anthony 1665 : Protestatio attestata coram Anthonio Luthero Armigero uno iusticiariorum pacis pro comitatu Essexiæ. ... = A protestation attested before Anthony Luther Esquire, one of the justices of the peace, for the county of Essex, vpon June 10. 1644. As the causes why the protesters could not heare in the publike assemblies of the Church of England, and so joyn in worship with that ministry.; Fage, Robert.
Luther Martin 1483 1546 Ad Librum Eximii Magistri Nostri Magistri A : The tryal of spirits both in teachers & hearers. : Wherein is held forth the clear discovery, and certain downfal of the carnal and antichristian clergie of these nations. Testified from the Word of God to the university-congregation in Cambridge. By William Dell. Whereunto is added a plain and necessary confutation of divers errors delivered by Mr Sydrach Simpson in a sermon preached to the same congregation the last commencement there, anno 1653. Wherein (among other things) is declared. That the universities (according to their present statutes and practices) are not answerable to the schools of the prophets in the time of the law; but to the idolatrous high places. And, that humane learning is not a preparation appointed by Christ, either for the right understanding or right teaching the Gospel. With a brief testimony against divinity-degrees in the universities. As also, Luthers testimony at large upon the whole matter. And lastly, the right reformation of learning, schools, and universities, according to the state of the Gospel, and the light that shines therein. All necessary for the instruction and direction of the faithful in these last times.; Dell, William,
Lutheran Church England Sermons : The finger of God over his anointed : a sermon preached to the German Lutheran congregation in Trinity-lane, in their vulgar tongue, on Thursday the 16th of April, being the appointed day of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the miraculous discovery and disappointment of the late horrid conspiracy against His Majesty's most sacred person and government / by J.E. Edzard ... ; translated from the original.; Edzard, J. E.
Lutheran Church Germany Doctrines History 16th Century : Reformatorisches Profil : Studien zum Weg Martin Luthers und der Reformation / Karl-Heinz Zur Mühlen ; herausgegeben von Johannes Brosseder und Athina Lexutt, unter Mitarbeit von Wibke Janssen, Volkmar Ortmann, und Jochen Remy.; Zur Mühlen, Karl-Heinz.
Lutheran Church Hymns : Zellisches Gesang-Buch : zum Gebrauch der Kirchen dess Furstenthums Luneburg und dazu gehorigen Landen angeordnet; nebenst einem Gebet-Büchlein ...
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod : The effectiveness of Lutheran elementary and secondary schools as agencies of Christian education : an empirical evaluation study of the impact of Lutheran parochial schools on the beliefs, attitudes, and behavior of Lutheran youth.; Johnstone, Ronald L.
Lutheran Church Netherlands Gelderland History : Verboden en getolereerd : een onderzoek naar lutheranen, lutheranisme en lutherse gemeentevorming in Gelderland ten tijde van de Republiek.; Manen, K. G. van,
Lutheran Church Sermons : Thirtie fovre special and chosen sermons of Dr. Martin Luthers : discovering most clearly, excellently, and evidently to every ordinary capacity or understanding the difference betwixt faith and workes, law and Gospel, the Christian and creature opperations, troubles and consolations, and the best way to make Christians, keep them so, and in case of relapses to recover them again by Christ, the onely cure of all soule maladies / englished by William Gace, and printed 1581.; Luther, Martin,
Lutheran Church Wisconsin : A pioneer churchman : J.W.C. Dietrichson in Wisconsin 1844-1850 / edited by E.C. Nelson.; Dietrichson, J. W. C.
Lutheran Church Wisconsin Waupaca Clergy : Frontier parsonage : the letters of Olaus Fredrik Duus, Norwegian pastor in Wisconsin 1855-1858 / translated by the Verdandi Study Club of Minneapolis ; and edited by Theodore C. Blegen.; Duus, Olaus Fredrik,
Lutherans German Wisconsin History : Old Lutheran emigration from Pomerania to the U.S.A. : history and motivation 1839-1843 / Lieselotte Clemens ; translated in English by James Laming ; foreword by Joachim Peters.; Clemens, Lieselotte,