Manchester England : The Latest printed newes from Chichester, Windsor, Winchester, Chester, Manchester, and Yorke, &c.
Manchester England Antiquities : 50 finds from Manchester and Merseyside : objects from the portable antiquities scheme / Vanessa Oakden.; Oakden, Vanessa.
Manchester England Civilization : Culture in Manchester : institutions and urban change since 1850 / edited by Janet Wolff ; with Mike Savage.
Manchester England Early Works To 1800 : News from Manchester : being a perfect relation of the passages, which hapned there, between the Lord Strange, and the commissioners for the militia. Together with the occasion, and other circumstances of their skirmishing, and the number, and state of those which were slain and wounded. As also how the magazine for that county is disposed of. Sent in a letter from M. Jo. Ronsgore, an eye-witnesse, and an inhabitant of the said town of Manchester.; Ronsgore, John.
Manchester England Ethnic Relations : Imagined diasporas among Manchester Muslims : the public performance of Pakistani transnational identity politics / Pnina Werbner.; Werbner, Pnina.
Manchester England History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : Jovis 6. October. 1642. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : in commendation of the inhabitants of the towne of Manchester, for their valiant resisting the late Lord Strange, and now Earle of Darbie; and to incourage them in their valour which they have shewed for their owne defence, and to endeavour to suppresse or apprehend the said Earle, or any his complices, assuring them of allowance and payment for all disbursements or losses in that service. John Browne Clerk Parliament.; England and Wales.
Manchester England History Civil War 1642 1649 Sources : Manchesters resolvtion against the Lord Strange. : With the Parliaments endeavour and care for the prevention of such sad calamities that may ensue upon the nation, by their severall votes, resolved upon in the House of Peers, and in the House of Commons, for the securing of the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales. / Iohn Brown Cler. Parliamen. ; Also a remarkable passage concerning His Majesties blocking up of Hull.; England and Wales.
Manchester England History Military 17th Century Early Works To 1 : A true and perfect relation of the proceedings at Manchester, from Snnday [sic] the 25. of September, to Sonday the second of October, MDCXLIJ. : Wherein is related six severall battels fought by the inhabitants of Manchester, with two thousand men against the Lord Strange, now Earle of Derby, and the Lord Rivers with 3000. horse and foor [sic]. Describing the number that was slain on both sides, in each battle. Declared in a letter sent from Mr. Thomas Hawkins to Mr. Erbie a Member of the House of Commons, and openly read in the said House, October the 4. 1642.; Hawkins, Thomas,
Manchester England History Sources Early Works To 1800 : Joyfull newes from Lancashire : wherein is declared how the Lord Strange came against Lancaster, but was opposed by the inhabitants of the said towne, and forced to flye into Wales from whence he returned with 5000. Welshmen, who comming to Lancaster ran from him, and joyned with the inhabitants of the said towne. Likewise, a true relation of his comming to Manchester with 1000. Cavaleers and Papists, and how the county rose against him beat him and his forces, took neere an 100 prisoners, amongst whom himselfe was taken, and sent to Manchester with a guard of souldiers. Whereu[n]to is annexed, The Parliaments determination concerning the Lord Strange. Ordered that this be printed and published, Hen. Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
Manchester England Liberalism : Reform and respectability : the making of a middle-class Liberalism on early nineteenth-century Manchester.; Turner, Michael J.
Manchester England Social Life And Customs : A tale of two cities : global change, local feeling, and everyday life in the North of England : a study in Manchester and Sheffield / Ian Taylor, Karen Evans and Penny Fraser.; Taylor, Ian R.
Manchester Essex Montagu Countess Of 1658 : The faithfull Christians gain by death: : opened, confirmed, and improved, in a sermon at the funeral of the Right Honourable Essex, Countess of Manchester, preached at Kimbolton, Octob. 12. 1658. / By Simeon Ashe minister of the gospel at St Augustines in Watling street, London.; Ashe, Simeon,
Manchester Ship Canal : Old order, new thing : being a short study of tugs, their men and their machinery, set within the context of the Manchester Ship Canal and with particular reference to the paddle tug, Reliant, formerly Old Trafford.; McMurray, H. Campbell.
Manchester Society For Womens Suffrage : Women's Suffrage Collection from Manchester Central Library : a listing and guide to the microfilm collection ...
Manchester United : British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and Manchester United plc : a report on the proposed merger / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry by Command of Her Majesty, April 1999.; Great Britain.
Manchus History 19th Century : Autumn in the heavenly kingdom : China, the West, and the epic story of the Taiping Civil War / Stephen Platt.; Platt, Stephen R.