Medicine England History 17th Century Sources : Evident satisfasction to the sick and lame; by Nath. Merry, student in physick, dwelling at the Star in Bow-Lane, near Cheapside..; Merry, Nathaniel.
Medicine England History To 1500 : English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times : The Fitz-Patrick Lectures for 1903 : two lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London, June 23 and 25, 1903 / by Joseph Frank Payne.; Payne, Joseph Frank,
Medicine England Hull History : The medical profession in Hull, 1400-1900 : a biographical dictionary.; Bickford, J.A.R.
Medicine England Humour Early Works To 1800 : The Miraculous recovery of a dumb man at Lambeth, or, A Brief and true relation of an extraordinary distemper : which at Christmas 1671 seized upon Mr. Francis Culham of South-Lambeth in the county of Surrey, chyrurgeon, and took away his understanding and speech and so continued for the space of four years and four months : with his wonderful restauration on Fryday the 12 of May, 1676, by the immediate hand of God ...
Medicine England London : A rebuke to the authors of a blew-book call'd, The state of physick in London : which is indeed the black and blew state of physick, dated from the college, and signed by Th. G. and R.M. / written in behalf of the apothecaries and chirurgians of the city of London by William Salmon ...; Salmon, William,
Medicine England London History 16th Century : Medical conflicts in early modern London : patronage, physicians, and irregular practitioners, 1550-1640 / Margaret Pelling (with Frances White).; Pelling, Margaret.
Medicine England London History 17th Century : Medical conflicts in early modern London : patronage, physicians, and irregular practitioners, 1550-1640 / Margaret Pelling (with Frances White).; Pelling, Margaret.
Medicine England Standards Early Works To 1800 : A detection and querimonie of the daily enormities and abuses co[m]mitted in physick : concernyng the thre parts therof: that is, the physitions part, the part of the surgeons, and the arte of poticaries. Dedicated vnto the two most famous vniuersities Oxford and Cambridge. Nowe lately set foorth by Iohn Securis physition.; Securis, John.
Medicine Experimental : War and medicine / [co-editors, Melissa Larner, James Peto, and Nadine Monem].
Medicine Forecasting : Better doctors, better patients, better decisions : envisioning health care 2020 / edited by Gerd Gigerenzer and J.A. Muir Gray.; Ernst Strüngmann Forum
Medicine Formulae Recipts Prescriptions Early Works To 1800 : The mysteryes of nature, and art : conteined in foure severall tretises the first of water workes the second of fyer workes, the third of drawing, colouring, painting, and engrauing, the fourth of divers experiments, as wel serviceable as delightful: partly collected, and partly of the authors peculiar practice, and invention by I.B.; Bate, John.
Medicine France Early Works To 1800 : Here foloweth thre practyses, nowe vsed at Mountpyller, by mon syre Emery. a romayne borne in Rome, a doctoure in astronomye [et] phesyke : and other doth practyse the same, fyrste an oyle, or onement, and a powder, and the. iii. a water, for many infyrmytes and deseases for the health of the body.; Emery, John,