Mercenary Troops Ireland Early Works To 1800 : An abstract of three letters from Belfast : to a person in London. Faithfully transmitted to the view of the publick. Licensed, April 1. 1690.
Mercenary Troops Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : By the King. A proclamation for the calling home of all such His Maiesties subiects as are now imployed either by sea, or land, in the seruices of the Emperour, the King of Spaine, or the archduches..; England and Wales.
Mercenary Troops Spain : The Spanish monarchy and Irish mercenaries : the Wild Geese in Spain, 1618-68 / R.A. Stradling.; Stradling, R. A.
Mercer David 1928 1980 : Caryl Churchill, David Mercer and Tom Stoppard.; O'Malley, John F.
Mercer Thomas 1645 : A speech of Thomas Mercer, merchant, : spoken a little before his death, being executed in the parish of S. Mildred, neere the Poultrey, the 27. of May. 1645. wherein is set forth, [brace] 1. His sins against God, 2. The cause of Gods iudgement still among us, & 3. His advise to his wife.; Mercer, Thomas,
Merchant Marine Austria History : Steamships, statesmen and bureaucrats : Austrian policy towards the steam navigation company of the Austrian Lloyd, 1836-1848.; Coons, Ronald E.
Merchant Marine Bibliography : Shipping business and maritime economics : an annotated international bibliography / James McConville and Glenys Rickaby.; McConville, J.
Merchant Marine England Merseyside : Guide to the records of Merseyside Maritime Museum / compiled by Gordon Read and Michael Stammers.; Read, Gordon.
Merchant Marine England Merseyside History : Liverpool shipping, trade and industry : essays on the maritime history of Merseyside, 1780-1860 / edited by Valerie Burton.
Merchant Marine Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : An account of Sir George Rooke's arrival near the mouth of the channel with His Majesty's fleet under his command, and a great fleet of merchant-ships from Cadiz.