Microfinance Bangladesh History : Banker to the poor : the autobiography of Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank / Muhammad Yunus with Alan Jolis.; Yunus, Muhammad,
Microfinance Ghana : Microfinance and poverty reduction : the experience of Ghana.; Adjei, Joseph Kimos.
Microprocessors Design And Construction : Designing embedded systems with PIC microcontrollers : principles and applications / Tim Wilmshurst.; Wilmshurst, Tim.
Microscopes England Early Works To 1800 : True spectacles. : Exactly ground on brass tools by John Yarwell, servant to His Majesty, approved on by the Royal Society, acknowledg'd by the best skill'd in opticks to be ground to the greatest perfection.; Yarwell, John.
Microscopy Atlases : Color atlas and manual of microscopy for criminalists, chemists, and conservators / Nicholas Petraco, Thomas Kubic.; Petraco, Nicholas.
Microscopy Handbooks Manuals Etc : Color atlas and manual of microscopy for criminalists, chemists, and conservators / Nicholas Petraco, Thomas Kubic.; Petraco, Nicholas.
Microscopy Laboratory Manuals : Live cell imaging : a laboratory manual / edited by Robert D. Goldman, David L. Spector.
Microscopy Technique Congresses : Analytical and quantitative methods in microscopy / edited G.A. Meek and H.Y. Elder.; Society for Experimental Biology.