Midwifery Great Britain 17th Century : A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. : Containing 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the childe in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. / by Nich. Culpeper ...; Culpeper, Nicholas,
Midwifery Great Britain 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. : Containing, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. ... / by Nich. Culpeper ...; Culpeper, Nicholas,
Midwifery Practice Great Britain : Failure to progress [electronic resource] : the contraction of the midwifery profession / Rosemary Mander, Deborah Purdue.; Mander, Rosemary.
Midwifery Practice Law And Legislation : Clinical risk management in midwifery : the right to a perfect baby? / Jo H. Wilson, Andrew Symon.; Wilson, Jo H.
Midwifery Social Aspects Great Britain : Failure to progress [electronic resource] : the contraction of the midwifery profession / Rosemary Mander, Deborah Purdue.; Mander, Rosemary.
Midwives Employment Great Britain : Making a difference : strengthening the nursing, midwifery and health visiting contribution to health and healthcare : Summary.; Great Britain.
Midwives England London : Call the midwife : a true story of the East End in the 1950s / Jennifer Worth.; Worth, Jennifer,
Midwives England London Early Works To 1800 : The cruel midwife. : Being a true account of a most sad and lamentable discovery that has been lately made in the village of Poplar in the parish of Stepney. At the house of one Madame Compton alias Norman a midwife, wherein has been discovered many children that have been murdered ... : Also an account of the seizing or apprehending, behaviour, and commitment to Newgate, the midwife, on the account of murthering these infants.
Midwives France Paris Early Works To 1800 : The murderous midwife, with her roasted punishment : being a true and full relation of a midwife that was put into an iron cage with sixteen wild-cats, and so roasted to death, by hanging over a fire, for having found in her house-of-office no less than sixty two children, at Paris in France.