Military Art And Science United States Early Works To 1800 : Military duties : recommended to an artillery company; at their election of officers, in Charls-town, 13. d. 7. m. 1686. By Cotton Mather, pastor of a church in Boston.; Mather, Cotton,
Military Art And Sciences England Early Works To 1800 : Militarie instructions, or the souldier tried : for the vse, of the dragon, being a part of cavalrie, for fierings, on horsback, as the harquebusier, & on foote, as infantry, very necessary for such as desier to be studious, in the way of the art militarie. / Never before published, by any, and now set forth by Captaine Nathaniell Burt.; Burt, Nathaniel,
Military Assistance American Afghanistan : Charlie Wilson's War : The Extraordinary Story of How the Wildest Man in Congress and a Rogue CIA Agent Changed the History / George Crile.; Crile, George,
Military Assistance American Israel : Lyndon B. Johnson and the politics of arms sales to Israel : in the shadow of the hawk / Abraham Ben-Zvi.; Ben-Zvi, Abraham.
Military Assistance Political Aspects : Exporting the bomb : technology transfer and the spread of nuclear weapons / Matthew Kroenig.; Kroenig, Matthew.
Military Bases Bermuda Islands : Fortress Bermuda : a visitor's guide to the naval and military heritage sites of the Imperial Fortress colony of Bermuda : including colonial and imperial fortifications and naval and military sites, as well as Canadian and United States bases / Seán Pòl Ó Creachmhaoil.; Ó Creachmhaoil, Seán Pòl.
Military Bases Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Pendennis and all other standing forts dismantled: or, Eight military aphorismes, : demonstrating the uselesness, unprofitableness, hurtfulness, and prodigall expensivenes of all standing English forts and garrisons, to the people of England: their inability to protect them from invasions, depredations of enemies or pyrates by sea or land: the great mischiefs, pressures, inconveniences they draw upon the inhabitants, country, and adjacent places in times of open wars, when pretended most usefull: and the grand oversight, mistake, injury in continuing them for the present or furure [sic] reall defence of the peoples lives, liberties, estates, the only ends pretended for them. / Penned by William Prynne of Swainswick, Esquire, during his close imprisonment in Pendennis Castle. And now published for the common benefit, ease, information of the whole nation.; Prynne, William,
Military Camps Texas Houston : Camp Logan : preserving the past to protect the future / Priscilla T. Graham.; Graham, Priscilla T.,
Military Casualties : North West of Sumatra, Indian Ocean [electronic resource] / Produced by Andrew Thomson
Military Ceremonies Honours And Salutes Early Works To 1800 : A discourse and defence of arms and armory, : shewing the nature and rises of arms and honour in England, from the camp, the court, the city: under the two later of which, are contained universities and inns of court. / By Edward Waterhous Esq;.; Waterhouse, Edward,
Military Ceremonies Honours And Salutes Germany : Militärisches Zeremoniell in Deutschland / mit Beiträgen von Michael Epkenhans ... [et al.] ; im Auftrag der Deutschen Kommission für Militärgeschichte und des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes ; herausgegeben von Hans Ehlert.
Military Chaplains Great Britain History : The clergy in khaki : new perspectives on British Army chaplaincy in the First World War / edited by Michael Snape and Edward Madigan.
Military Chaplains Poland History 20th Century : The torn horizon : the airborne chaplains at Arnhem / Chris van Roekel ; translated by Jan Arriens and John Chipperfield.; Roekel, Chris van.