Monetary Policy United States Congresses : Inflation, unemployment, and monetary policy / Robert M. Solow and John B. Taylor ; edited and with an introduction by Benjamin M. Friedman.
Money America Early Works To 1800 : By the Queen, a proclamation, for settling and ascertaining the current rates of foreign coins in Her Majesties colonies and plantations in America..; England and Wales.
Money China : Money and monetary policy in Communist China.; Hsiao, Katharine Huang.
Money China History : Marco Polo was in China [electronic resource] : new evidence from currencies, salts and revenues / by Hans Ulrich Vogel.; Vogel, Hans Ulrich.
Money England Tables : By the King : the Kings most excellent Maiestie hauing of late published a proclamation for raising of the prices of his coynes of gold ...; England and Wales.
Money Great Britain History Early Works To 1800 : A discourse of money. : Being an essay on that subject, historically and politically handled. With reflections on the present evil state of the coin of this kingdom; and proposals of a method for the remedy. In a letter to a nobleman, &c.; Briscoe, John,