Murray Adam 1700 : The case of Colonel Adam Murray, humbly represented to the Commons, in Parliament assembled
Murray Alana 1967 Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Murray v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : B - Case of Boner v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : C - Case of Maxwell v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Murray Archibald Sir : Information for Andrew Fletcher of Aberlady and his tutor : against Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarrony, and Sir Patrick Murray of Saltcoats and others.
Murray Charles : Charles Murray and the underclass : the developing debate / Charles Murray ; commentaries: Ruth Lister (editor) ... [et al.].; Murray, Charles A.
Murray Charles Fairfax : Charles Fairfax Murray : the unknown pre-Raphaelite.; Elliott, David B.
Murray Erskine : Murray's expedition to Borneo : an episode in the early life of Edwin Robins Thomas.; Thomas, William Cave.
Murray Gilbert 1866 1957 : An unfinished autobiography / ed. by J.Smith and A.Toynbee.; Murray, Gilbert,
Murray John Approximately 1714 1775 : L'Italia del secondo Settecento nelle relazioni segrete di William Hamilton, Horace Mann e John Murray / a cura di Gigliola Pagano De Divitiis, Vincenzo Giura.
Murray Margaret Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Murray v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : B - Case of Boner v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : C - Case of Maxwell v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Murray Mark 1964 Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Murray v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : B - Case of Boner v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : C - Case of Maxwell v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Murray Michaela 1967 Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Murray v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : B - Case of Boner v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : C - Case of Maxwell v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Murray Patrick Sir : Information for Andrew Fletcher of Aberlady and his tutor : against Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarrony, and Sir Patrick Murray of Saltcoats and others.
Murray Richard : A copy of the late Lord Chief Justice Pollexfen's opinion, : which he gave Mr. Richard Murray, in the year 1686 when he opposed the reading of the Scotch decree in the Court of Chancery in Ireland as being no evidence to be admitted.; Pollexfen, Henry,
Murray Rossina 1970 Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Murray v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : B - Case of Boner v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : C - Case of Maxwell v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Murray Thomas Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Murray v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : B - Case of Boner v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994 : C - Case of Maxwell v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Murray William Staite 1881 1962 Exhibitions : Ben Nicholson, Winifred Nicholson, Christopher Wood, Alfred Wallis, William Staite Murray : art and life, 1920-1931 / Jovan Nicholson ; with essays by Sebastiano Barassi and Julian Stair.; Nicholson, Jovan.
Murton John : A defence of the doctrine propounded by the Synode at Dort: : against Iohn Murton and his associates, in a treatise intuled [sic]; A description what God, &c. ; With the refutation of their answer to a writing touching baptism. / By Iohn Robinson..; Robinson, John,
Murton John Discription Of What God Hath Predestined Concerning Man : A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode at Dort : against Iohn Murton and his associates, in a treatise intituled; A description what God, &c. With the refutation of their answer to a writing touching baptism. By Iohn Robinson.; Robinson, John,
Musa Ahmad 1921 : Musa Ahmad, bekas pengurusi PKM, kembali kepangkuan.; Sabda S.
Musaeum Societatis Regalis : Whereas a book entitutled, Musæum Regalis Societatis : being not only a perfect catalogue of all the rarities ... belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge... it is therefore proposed by the author, Doctor Nehemiah Grew, that whoever subscribeth ...; Grew, Nehemiah,
Muscle Contraction Early Works To 1800 : A treatise of the reason of muscular motion, or, The efficient causes of the contraction of a muscle : wherein most of the phaenomena about muscular motion are explained / by Richard Boulton.; Boulton, Richard,
Muscle Proteins : The dynamic state of muscle fibers : proceedings of the international symposium, October 1-6, 1989, Konstanz, Federal Republic of Germany / editor, Dirk Pette.