National Income United States : National income : its measurement, determination, and relation to public policy.; Rosen, Sam.
National Instruments Early Works To 1800 : Horometria: or the compleat diallist: : wherein the whole mystery of the art of dialling is plainly taught three several wayes; two of which are performed geometrically by rule and compasse onely: and the third instrumentally, by a quadrant fitted for that purpose. With the working of such propositions of the sphere, as are most usefull in astronomie and navigation, both geometrically and instrumentally. / By Thomas Stirrup, philomath. Whereunto is added an appendix, shewing now the parallels of declination; the Jewish, Babylonish, and Italian houres; the azimuths, almicanters, &c. may be easily inscribed on any diall whatsoever, by rule and compasse onely. Also how to draw a diall on the seeling of a room, by W.L.; Stirrup, Thomas.
National Interest China : Rising China [electronic resource] : power and reassurance / editor: Ron Huisken.
National Interest Great Britain : British foreign policy and the national interest : identity, strategy and security / edited by Timothy Edmunds (professor of International Security, and director of the Global Insecurities Centre, University of Bristol, UK), Jamie Gaskarth (associate professor, University of Plymouth, UK, and head, British Foreign Policy Working Group, British International Studies Association), Robin Porter (visiting professor, University of Bristol, UK).
National Labor League : Thirty years of labor, 1859-1889 ... : the National Labor League of 1866, the Industrial Brotherhood of 1874 and the Order of the Knights of Labor of America and the World ...; Powderly, Terence Vincent,
National Libraries United States : Library of walls : the Library of Congress and the contradictions of information society / by Samuel Gerald Collins.; Collins, Samuel Gerald.
National Library Of Wales : A brief summary of the progress of the library from the granting of the charter to December, 1924.; National Library of Wales.
National Maritime Museum Great Britain Catalogs : Treasures of Royal Museums Greenwich : National Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, Royal Observatory, The Queen's House / edited by Robert Blyth.
National Minority Movement : Chairman's address : National Minority Movement, 5th Annual Conference, Shoreditch Town Hall, London, August 25-26, 1928.; National Minority Movement.
National Monuments Germany History : Gehalt und Gestalt in der Monumentalsymbolik : zur Ikonologie des Nationalstaats in Deutschland und Italien 1860-1914.; Bauer, Franz J.,
National Monuments Italy History : Gehalt und Gestalt in der Monumentalsymbolik : zur Ikonologie des Nationalstaats in Deutschland und Italien 1860-1914.; Bauer, Franz J.,
National Monuments West U S : The nation's largest landlord : the Bureau of Land Management in the American West / James R. Skillen.; Skillen, James R.,
National Museum Of Australia : Representations of history and nation in museums : the National Museum of Australia and the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa / James Gore.; Gore, James.