Natural Disasters Jamaica Port Royal Early Works To 1800 : A full account of the late dreadful earth-quake at Port-Royal in Jamaica, / written in two letters from the minister of that place, from aboard the Granada in Port-Royal Harbour, June 22. 1692.; Heath, E.,
Natural Disasters Mediterranean Region Remote Sensing Congresses : Remote sensing for hazard monitering and disaster assessment : marine and coastal applications in the Mediterranean region / edited by Eric C. Barrett, Krystyna A. Brown, and Anton Micallef.
Natural Disasters Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : Sad and lamentable newes from Holland : Being a true relation of the great and wonderful inundation of waters, that brake in at the town of Gorkham, in the night-time, near the city of Amsterdam, where many stately houses became bnried [sic] in the violent waves; both men, vvomen and children perishing in the raging billows. Also, the manner how the waters brake in again with great violence, on Munday last about noon, at the two strong sluces of Bonmel and Thieler, where about thirty villages were drowned and not any thing to be seen, but the tops of some few steeples and chimneys, many perishing in the vvaters; some escaping in boats, and the poor infants floating upon the raging vvaves in their swadling-bands and cradles together with the sad and wofull cries and groans of the poor distressed inhabitants; and the ringing of the bells backward, to prevent the perishing of others.
Natural Disasters Pacific Area : Natural hazards in the Asia-Pacific region : recent advances and emerging concepts / edited by J.P. Terry and J. Goff.
Natural Disasters Pictorial Works : Extreme weather : understanding the science of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, heat waves, snow storms, global warming and other atmospheric disturbances / H. Michael Mogil.; Mogil, H. Michael.
Natural Disasters Prevention International Cooperation : A year at the helm of the United Nations General Assembly : a vision for our century / Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser ; with an foreword by Ban Ki-moon.; Al-Nasser, Nassir Abdulaziz.
Natural Disasters Religious Aspects Early Works To 1800 : Thunder haile, & lightn[ing] from heauen. : Sent against certaine couetous persons, inhabitants of Humerstone [Lin]colneshire, 5. miles from Grimsby: Thought to be a iust punish[ment] from God, in the behalfe of the poore, the 3. of Iuly last, 161[6?]. How their corne was destroyed: the like neuer heard of in a[nd?] onely one mans estate preserued, who gaue them releife. As it [was] iustified before the knights and iustices of that county at the quarter sessions holden at Lowth: the tenth day of Iuly. With the lamentable end of Iohn Cormish his wife and two child[ren] who were most strangly confounded in one day, at Strow in Staffor[d]sheire the ninth of May. 1616..
Natural Disasters Risk Assessment : Disaster risk and vulnerability : mitigation through mobilizing communities and partnerships / edited by C. Emdad Haque and David Etkin.
Natural Disasters Social Aspects History To 1500 : Surviving sudden environmental change : understanding hazards, mitigating impacts, avoiding disasters / edited by, Jago Cooper and Payson Sheets ; authors, David A. Abbott ... [et al.].
Natural History Afghanistan Samir Valley : Environmental research in the Samir Valley of the Hindu Kush, Afghanistan : final technical report / editor A. James.
Natural History Africa : John Muir's last journey : south to the Amazon and east to Africa : unpublished journals and selected correspondence / John Muir ; edited by Michael P. Branch ; foreword by Robert Michael Pyle.; Muir, John,
Natural History Africa Southern : Biogeography and ecology of Southern Africa / edited by M. J. A. Werger, with the assistance of A. C. van Bruggen for the zoological chapters.
Natural History British Overseas Territories : Britain's treasure islands : a journey to the UK Overseas Territories / by Stewart McPherson ; edited by Mike Pienkowski ... [and others]; McPherson, Stewart,
Natural History Brunei Belalong Forest : Belalong : a tropical rainforest / by Earl of Cranbrook, David S. Edwards.; Cranbrook, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy,