Newcastle Engineering Apprentices Strike Tyneside : A victory for Labour! the case of Jock Haston, Roy Tearse Heaton Lee and Ann Keen under the Trades Disputes Act of 1927.; Anti Labour Laws Victims Defence Committee.
Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton Duke Of 1785 1851 : Unhappy reactionary : the diaries of the fourth Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1822-50 / edited and with an introduction by Richard A. Gaunt.; Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton,
Newcastle Under Lyme England : The True intelligence sent to this kingdome, concerning the taking in of the town of New-castle : with copies of the letters and other passages that occurred betwixt our army and those in the town : as also the surrender of the castle thereof.
Newcastle Under Lyme England History Early Works To 1800 : A remonstrance of all the proceedings, passages, or occurrences at Nottingham, Yorke, and New-Castle, from the 3. of Septemb. to the 10. : First, relating the manner of a powder-plot at Nottingham against his Majesty, but discovered. Secondly, the great preparations that is making at York to defend the citie against Sir Iohn Hotham. Thirdly, what forces the Lord Strange, and the Earle of New-Castle is sending to the King. With many other passages of moment, to satisfie you of the truth of the present affaires of the kingdome.; Belwood, Thomas.
Newcastle Upon Tyne England History Military Early Works To 1800 : The Parliaments resolution, for the speedy sending an Army into the North: : the Earl of Essex to be the generall; and that the Earl of Bedford be generall of the horse. Also, the true relation of a fight performed at New-Castle, between the Earle of New-Castle with 500. cavaleers, and the town and colliers of New-castle who have been much prejudised by the Earls placing a garrison there where was 11. of the cavaleers killed, and the rest fled without hurt to say of the towne. Ordered to be printed and published, Hen. Elsing. Cl. Parl. Do. Com.
Newcastle Upon Tyne England History Siege 1643 : A Full relation of the Scots besiedging Newcastle and their taking the glasse houses, and other forts : with a lift of the chief malignants in the town : also, the victorious Lord Fairfax his taking of Whitby, where he surprized 500 officers and soldiers, 1000 sailers and inhabitants, 40
Newcastle Upon Tyne England History Siege 1643 Early Works To 1800 : A full relation of the Scots besiedging [sic] Newcastle, and their taking the glasse houses, and other forts. : With a list of the chief malignants in the town. Also, the victorious Lord Fairfax his taking of Whitby, where he surprized; 500. officers and soldiers. 1000. sailers and inhabitants. 40. ships in the Channell. Good store of powder. 500. armes. 20. commissioners of array. All their traine of artillery. 100 peece of ordnance.
Newcastle Upon Tyne England History Sources : A True relation of the late proceedings of the Scottish Army : sent from His Excellency the Lord Generall Lesley's quarters before Newcastle, the 8th of February 1643 : together with a letter from the committees of both kingdomes to the mayor, aldermen, common-councell, and other the inhabinants of the town of Newcastle, and their answer.
Newcastle Upon Tyne England Maps Early Works To 1800 : Newcastle upon Tyne, Sept. 26th 1670 : At a court held in the Guildhall, within the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, by custome (time out of mind) for conservation of the River of Tyne, the 26th day of September, anno dom. 1670. Before Tho. Davison Esquire, Mayor; Sir Robert Shafto Knight, recorder, and several of the aldermen of the said town.
Newcastle William Cavendish Earl Of 1629 1640 : The Welbeck atlas : William Senior's maps of the estates of William Cavendish Earl of Newcastle 1629-1640 : Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Northumberland, Gloucestershire & Somerset / edited by Stepanos Mastoris ; images editor Andrew Nicholson.
Newchurch Powys Wales Maps : Herefordshire - Radnorshire [cartographic material] : sheet SO 25 SW.; Great Britain.
Newcomb Mary Exhibitions : Mary Newcomb : paintings and drawings : [catalogue of an exhibition held at] Crane Kalman Gallery ..., London ..., 5-30 October 1982.; Newcomb, Mary.
Newcomen Matthew 1610 1669 : The dead saint speaking, or, A sermon preached upon occasion of the death of that eminent man, Mr. Mathew Newcomen ... : wherein is succinctly discoursed (to a popular auditory in Dedham) what instructions are given and sealed to the living by the death of the righteous servants of God / by J.F., Minister of the Gospel.; Fairfax, John,
Newcomen Thomas : Thomas Newcomen : the prehistory of the steam engine.; Rolt, L. T. C.,
Newell Allen : How can the human mind occur in the physical universe? / John R. Anderson.; Anderson, John R.
Newell Thomas 1680 : The confession and execution of the five prisoners that suffered at Tyburn, on Friday the 4th of June, 1680. : Viz. Thomas Newell, John Biggs, [bracket] both guilty of burglary, and also of breaking prison lately out of Newgate. John Eakins, one of the same crew for burglary. George D. a marshals man, for murdering a child. And Richard Spykeman, for burglary. : With an account of their behaviour after condemnation, and at the place of execution.