Nicholas John 1712 : A farewell to popery, in a letter to Dr. Nicholas, vice-chancellor of Oxford, and warden of New-College, from W. H., M. D., lately Fellow of the same college : shewing, the true motives that with-drew him to the romish religion, and the reasons of his return to the Church of England : concluding with some short reflections concerning the great duty of charity.; Harris, Walter,
Nicholl Robert : From Buckfast to Borneo : essays presented to Father Robert Nicholl on the 85th anniversary of his birth, 27 March 1995 / edited by Victor T. King and A.V.M. Horton.
Nicholls John 1555 1584 : An ansuuere vnto the confutation of Iohn Nichols his recantation, in all pointes of any weight conteyned in the same : especially in the matters of doctrine, of purgatorie, images, the Popes honor, and the question of the church / by Dudley Fenner ...; Fenner, Dudley,
Nicholls John 1555 1584 A Declaration Of The Recantation Of John Ni : An answere vnto the confutation of Iohn Nichols his recantation, in all pointes of any weight conteyned in the same : especially in the matters of doctrine, of purgatorie, images, the Popes honor, and the question of the Church. By Dudley Fenner, Minister of Gods word.; Fenner, Dudley,
Nicholls John 1555 1584 Declaration Of The Recantation Of John Nich : A discouerie of I. Nicols minister, misreported a Iesuite, latelye recanted in the Tower of London : Wherin besides the declaration of the man, is contayned a ful answere to his recantation, with a confutation of his slaunders, and proofe of the contraries, in the Pope, cardinals, clergie, students, and priuate men of Rome. There is also added a reproofe of an oratiuon and sermon, falsely presented by the sayd Nicols to be made in Rome, and presented to the Pope in his consistorye. Wherto is annexed a late information from Rome touchng [sic] the aute[n]tical copie of Nicols recantation.; Parsons, Robert,
Nicholls John 1555 1584 Oration And Sermon Made At Rome : A discouerie of I. Nicols minister, misreported a Iesuite, latelye recanted in the Tower of London : Wherin besides the declaration of the man, is contayned a ful answere to his recantation, with a confutation of his slaunders, and proofe of the contraries, in the Pope, cardinals, clergie, students, and priuate men of Rome. There is also added a reproofe of an oratiuon and sermon, falsely presented by the sayd Nicols to be made in Rome, and presented to the Pope in his consistorye. Wherto is annexed a late information from Rome touchng [sic] the aute[n]tical copie of Nicols recantation.; Parsons, Robert,
Nicholls Kathleen Health : Go your Crohn way : a gutsy guide to living with Crohn's disease / Kathleen Nicholls.; Nicholls, Kathleen D.,
Nichols Charles Of Kent : A full survey of Sion and Babylon, and a clear vindication of the parish-churches and parochial-ministers of England ..., or, A Scripture disproof, and syllogistical conviction of M. Charles Nichols, of Kent ... : delivered in three Sabbath-dayes sermons in the parish church of Deal in Kent, after a publick dispute in the same church with the said Mr. Charles Nichols, upon the 20. day of October 1653 / by Thomas Gage ...; Gage, Thomas,
Nichols John : True report of the late apprehension and imprisonnement of John Nichols minister at Roan.; Allen, William,
Nicholson H B Henry B : Fanning the Sacred Flame : Mesoamerican Studies in Honor of H.B. Nicholson / edited by Matthew A. Boxt and Brian Dervin Dillon.
Nicholson Hubert : Half my days and nights : a memoir of the 1920s and 30s.; Nicholson, Hubert.
Niclaes Hendrik 1502 1580 Evangelium Regni : A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue : by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Knewstubs, John,
Niclaes Hendrik 1502 1580 Exhortatio : A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue : by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Knewstubs, John,
Nico 1938 : The Velvet Underground and Nico / Joe Harvard.; Harvard, Joe,
Nicoll Anthony : Tvvo letters : the one from his Excellencie, Robert Earl of Essex, to Anthony Nicoll, Esquire, a member of the House of Commons : the other from VVarwick-castle to Sir Samuel Luke at his quarters, concerning the state of the city of Gloucester.