Normandy France History To 1515 Poetry : The Roman de Rou / Wace ; translated by Glyn S. Burgess ; with the text of Anthony J. Holden and notes by Glyn S. Burgess and Elisabeth Van Houts.; Wace,
Normandy France History To 1515 Sources Congresses : Records, administration and aristocratic society in the Anglo-Norman realm [electronic resource] : papers commemorating the 800th anniversary of King John's loss of Normandy / edited by Nicholas Vincent.
Normandy France In Art Exhibitions : The lens of impressionism : photography and painting along the Normandy coast 1850-1874 / Sylvie Aubenas ... [et al.].
Normandy France Intellectual Life Congresses : La Normandie et l'Angleterre au Moyen Âge : Colloque de Cerisy-la Salle (4-7 octobre 2001) / actes publiés sous la direction de Pierre Bouet, Véronique Gazeau.
Normans England History Sources Congresses : Records, administration and aristocratic society in the Anglo-Norman realm [electronic resource] : papers commemorating the 800th anniversary of King John's loss of Normandy / edited by Nicholas Vincent.
Normans England Southern Congresses : Castles and the Anglo-Norman world : proceedings of a conference held at Norwich Castle in 2012 / edited by John A. Davies, Angela Riley, Jean-Marie Levesque and Charlotte Lapiche.
Normans Europe History : Norman tradition and transcultural heritage : exchange of cultures in the 'Norman' peripheries of medieval Europe / edited by Stefan Burkhardt, Thomas Foerster.
Normans France Normandy Congresses : Castles and the Anglo-Norman world : proceedings of a conference held at Norwich Castle in 2012 / edited by John A. Davies, Angela Riley, Jean-Marie Levesque and Charlotte Lapiche.
Normans Great Britain Historiography : The faces of time : portrayal of the past in Old French and Latin historical narrative of the Anglo-Norman regnum.; Blacker, Jean,
Normans History Early Works To 1800 : Ystoire de li normant / Aimé du Mont-Cassin ; édition du manuscrit BnF fr.688 par Michèle Guéret-Laferté.; Amato,
Normans History Military : The Normans and their adversaries at war : essays in memory of C. Warren Hollister / edited by Richard P. Abels and Bernard S. Bachrach.
Normans Ireland History To 1500 : The fortunes of a Norman family : the de Verduns in England, Ireland and Wales, 1066-1316.; Hagger, Mark S.
Normans Ireland History To 1500 Poetry : The deeds of the Normans in Ireland = La geste des engleis en Yrlande : a new edition of the chronicle formerly known as The song of Dermot and the Earl / [translated and] edited by Evelyn Mullally.
Normans Italy : The Normans and the 'Norman edge' [electronic resource] / peoples, polities and identities on the frontiers of medieval Europe / edited by Keith J. Stringer and Andrew Jotischky.
Normans Italy History : Norman expansion : connections, continuities and contrasts / edited by Keith J. Stringer and Andrew Jotischky.