Painting Italian Spain : Tiziano y la monarquia hispánica : usos y funciones de la pintura veneciana en Espana (siglos XVI y XVII).; Checa Cremades, Fernando.
Painting Italy Florence : The art of painting in Florence and Siena from 1250 to 1500 : a loan exhibition, 24 February - 10 April 1965.; Wildenstein and Co.
Painting Japanese Edo Period 1600 1868 Exhibitions : Designed for pleasure : the world of Edo Japan in prints and paintings, 1680-1860 / edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver ; with essays by John T. Carpenter ... [et al.].
Painting Medieval 13th 15th Centuries Italy : The art of painting in Florence and Siena from 1250 to 1500 : a loan exhibition, 24 February - 10 April 1965.; Wildenstein and Co.
Painting Netherlands : Vermeer's camera : uncovering the truth behind the masterpieces.; Steadman, Philip,
Painting New York State New York : Painting the town : cityscapes of New York : paintings from the Museum of the City of New York / edited by Jan Seidler Ramirez.
Painting New York State New York Catalogues : Painting and sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art, 1929-1967 / compiled by Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.)
Painting Polish Catalogues : Straty wojenne : malarstwo Polskie : obrazy olejne, pastele, akwarele, utracone w latach 1939-1945 w granicach Polski po 1945 / opracowanie katalogu Anna Tyczyńska, Krystyna Znojewska = Wartime losses : Polish painting : oil paintings, pastels, watercolours lost between 1939-1945 within post-1945 borders of Poland / catalogued prepared by Anna Tyczynska, Krystyna Znojewska.; Tyczyńska, Anna.