Palaeontology Data Processing : Virtual reconstruction : a primer in computer-assisted paleontology and biomedicine / Christoph P.E. Zollikofer, Marcia S. Ponce de León.; Zollikofer, Christoph P. E.
Palaeontology Devonian Congresses : The Devonian system : a Palaeontological Association International Symposium / edited by M. R. House, C. T. Scrutton, M. G. Bassett.; Palaeontological Association International Symposium on the Devonian System
Palaeontology England Norfolk Early Works To 1800 : Mercurius centralis, or, A discourse of subterraneal cockle, muscle, and oyster-shels, found in the digging of a well at Sir William Doylie's in Norfolk, many foot under ground, and at considerable distance from the sea / sent in a letter to Thomas Brown, M.D. by Tho. Lawrence, A.M.; Lawrence, Thomas,
Palaeontology England South East Holocene : Late quaternary environmental change in North-west Europe : excavations at Holywell Coombe, South-east England / edited by R.C. Preece and D.R. Bridgland.
Palaeontology England Thorne Moors : Thorne Moors : a palaeoecological study of a bronze age site : a contribution to the history of the British insect fauna.; Buckland, P. C.,
Palaeontology Europe : European Neogene mammal chronology / edited by Everett H. Lindsay, Volker Fahlbusch, and Pierre Mein.
Palaeontology Graphic Methods : Virtual reconstruction : a primer in computer-assisted paleontology and biomedicine / Christoph P.E. Zollikofer, Marcia S. Ponce de León.; Zollikofer, Christoph P. E.
Palaeontology Jurassic : A monograph of the British Jurassic Gasteropoda. Part 1, Gasteropoda of the Inferior Oolite / by Wilfrid H. Hudleston.; Hudleston, W. H.
Palaeontology Miocene : The geology and vertebrate paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland / edited by Stephen J. Godfrey.
Palaeontology Neogene : European Neogene mammal chronology / edited by Everett H. Lindsay, Volker Fahlbusch, and Pierre Mein.
Palaeontology New Mexico Sacramento Mountains : The Pennsylvanian system in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA : stratigraphy, petrography, depositional systems, paleontology, biostratigraphy, and geologic history / Spencer G. Lucas, William A. DiMichele, Karl Krainer, James E. Barrick, Daniel Vachard, Michael P. Donovan, Cindy Looy, Hans Kerp, and Dan S. Cheney.; Lucas, Spencer G.,
Palaeontology New Zealand : New Zealand : Its Physical Geography, Geology and Natural History, with Special Reference to.. the Provinces of Auckland and Nelson / Ferdinand von Hochstetter, Translated by Edward Sauter.; Hochstetter, Ferdinand von,
Palaeontology North Carolina : Geology and paleontology of the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, III / Clayton E. Ray and David J. Bohaska, editors.
Palaeontology Oligocene : Rodents (Mammalia) from Fitterer Ranch, Brule Formation (Oligocene), North Dakota / William W. Korth [and three others].; Korth, William W.,
Palaeontology Ontario Southern Ordovician : Systematic ichnology of the late Ordovician Georgian Bay formation of Southern Ontario, Eastern Canada / D. Christopher, A. Stanley and R.K. Pickerill.; Christopher, D.
Palaeontology Paleogene : Palaeogene foraniniferida and palaeoecology, Hampshire and Paris basins and the English channel / by J.W. Murray and C.A. Wright.; Murray, John William.
Palaeontology Permian : The great Paleozoic crisis : life and death in the Permian / Douglas H. Erwin.; Erwin, Douglas H.,
Palaeontology Precambrian : The garden of Ediacara : discovering the first complex life.; McMenamin, Mark A.S.
Palaeontology Proterozoic : Middle proterozoic (1.5 Ga) Horodyskia moniliformis Yochelson and Fedonkin, the oldest known tissue-grade colonial Eucaryote / Mikhail A. Fedonkin and Ellis L. Yochelson.; Fedonkin, Mikhail A.
Palais De Justice De Paris Fire 1618 Early Works To 1800 : Newes from France. Or A relation of a maruellous and fearfull accident of a disaster : which happened at Paris the seuenth day of March, this present yeare 1618. where by meanes of a terrible fire, all the pallace was burnt and consumed. Together with a narration of the losse and ruine of many tradesmen, who had all their goods consumed by the said fire. As also an iniunction of the Court of Parliament concerning the restoring backe and deliuering of all bags of papers, processes, peeces and records which were taken vp being cast out of the pallace during the said fire. / Truly translated according to the French copie: and set forth by authoritie..
Palais De Justice Paris France Fire 1618 Early Works To 1800 : Newes from France. Or A relation of a maruellous and fearfull accident of a disaster, : which happened at Paris the seuenth day of March, this present yeare 1618. where by meanes of a terrible fire, all the pallace was burnt and consumed. Together with a narration of the losse and ruine of many tradesmen, who had all their goods consumed by the said fire. As also an iniunction of the Court of Parliament concerning the restoring backe and deliuering of all bags of papers, processes, peeces and records which were taken vp being cast out of the pallace during the said fire. / Truly translated according to the French copie: and set forth by authoritie..
Palais Royal Paris : Les portraits des hommes illustres francois qui sont peints dans la galerie du Palais Cardinal de Richelieu.; Vulson de la Colombiere, Marc.
Palaoro Peter Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Pramstaller v. Austria : judgment of 23 October 1995 : B - Case of Palaoro v. Austria : judgment of 23 October 1995 : C - Case of Pfarrmeier v. Austria : judgment of 23 October 1995.; European Court of Human Rights.
Palatinate Electorate Church History Early Works To 1800 : A faithfull admonition of the Paltsgraues churches : to all other Protestant churches in Dutchland. That they would consider the great danger that hangeth ouer their heads as well as ours by the Popedome, and therefore Christianly and brotherly cease the priuate vnnecessary and now too much growne strife vvith vs. Together with a short abstract of the warning about the Iesuites bloodthirsty plots published in print at Tubing. Published by authoritie. According to the original printed in the Electors palsgranes [sic] country at Nustadt, vpon the Hardt, Englished by Iohn Rolte.
Palatinate Germany Church History : A full declaration of the faith and ceremonies professed in the dominions of the most illustrious and noble Prince Fredericke, 5. Prince, Elector Palatine / published for the benefit and satisfaction of all Gods people ; according to the originall printed in the High Dutch tongue ; translated into English by Iohn Rolte.