Pardo Ernest Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Melin v. France : judgment of 22 June 1993 : B - Case of Pardo v. France : judgment of 20 September 1993 : C - Case of Saidi v. France : judgment of 20 September 1993.; European Court of Human Rights.
Pardo Treaty Of 1739 Early Works To 1800 : The publick having been imposed on, by several very imperfect and erroneous lists of the members of the House of Commons, who voted for and against the late Convention with Spain; : in which question, the trade, liberties and honour of this nation were so essentially concerned: it has been thought proper to do that justice to the gentleman on both sides they deserve, by giving a more exact one. ...
Pardon England 17th Century : His Majesties most gracious and free-pardon, to several prisoners in Newgate, : at the Sessions of the Peace, and Oyer and Terminer, and gaol-delivery, held for the city of London, and county of Middlesex, on Thursday the 27th day of August, 1685. And in the first year of His Majesties reign.; England and Wales.
Pardon England Sources : An act for indempnifying of such persons as have acted for the service of the publique : At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom. 1656.; England and Wales.
Pardon Great Britain : A New-Years-gift for the anti-prerogative-men, or, A lawyers opinion, in defence of His Majesties power-royal, of granting pardons as he pleases : wherein is more particularly discussed the validity of the E. of D's pardon, by way of a letter to a friend.; Brydall, John,
Pardue Thomas 1680 : The True narrative of the confession and execution of Thomas Pardue, a notorious housebreaker, at Tyburn on Fryday the 25th of this instant June 1680 : with the manner of his behaviour in prison since his condemnation : as likewise several particulars concerning Robert Gale, broker.
Parent And Adult Child Cross Cultural Studies : Families caring across borders : migration, ageing and transnational caregiving / Loretta Baldassar, Cora Vellekoop Baldock and Raelene Wilding.; Baldassar, Loretta,
Parent And Adult Child United States : Among generations : the cycle of adult relationships / by Joan E. Norris and Joseph A. Tindale.; Norris, Joan E.
Parent And Child Biblical Teaching : The path-way to perfection : shewing the duty of children to their parents ... / by J.S. ...; J. S.
Parent And Child Biblical Teaching Early Works To 1800 : The parents blessing their children: and the children begging (on their knees) their parents blessings, are pious actions, warrantable by the word of God, and practictised [sic] by Gods saints and servants. With a model of private prayers, or occasional helps in retired devotions. / By Ed. Wolley, D.D. and chaplain in ordinary to His Majestie.; Wolley, Edward,
Parent And Child China Philosophy : Families of virtue : Confucian and Western views on childhood development / Erin M. Cline.; Cline, Erin M.,
Parent And Child Europe History To 1500 : A cultural history of childhood and family in the early modern age / edited by Sandra Cavallo and Silvia Evangelisti.
Parent And Child Great Britain Congresses : Family troubles? : exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people / edited by Jane Ribbens McCarthy, Carol-Ann Hooper and Val Gillies.
Parent And Child History 17th Century : A cultural history of childhood and family in the Age of Enlightenment / edited by Elizabeth Foyster and James Marten.
Parent And Child History 18th Century : A cultural history of childhood and family in the Age of Enlightenment / edited by Elizabeth Foyster and James Marten.