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Mark   Year Entries
Parole Canada : Report of the Task Force on Release of Inmates.; Task Force On Release Of Inmates.  1973 1
Parole England : Beyond the tariff : human rights and the release of life sentence prisoners.; Padfield, Nicola.  2002 1
Parole England Case Studies : Licensed to live / J.B. Coker and J.P. Martin.; Coker, John B.  1985 1
Parole England Decision Making   3
Parole Europe : Explanatory report on the European Convention on the supervision of conditionally sentenced and conditionally released offenders.; Council Of Europe.  1970 1
Parole Great Britain   2
Parole Great Britain Case Studies : Life after life imprisonment / Catherine A. Appleton.; Appleton, Catherine.  2010 1
Parole Probation   69
Parole United States : When prisoners come home : parole and prisoner reentry / Joan Petersilia.; Petersilia, Joan.  2009 1
Parole Wales : Beyond the tariff : human rights and the release of life sentence prisoners.; Padfield, Nicola.  2002 1
Parole Wales Case Studies : Licensed to live / J.B. Coker and J.P. Martin.; Coker, John B.  1985 1
Parole Wales Decision Making   2
Parool History : "Het Parool", 1940-1945 : verzetsblad in oorlogstijd.; Keizer, Madelon de.  1991 1
Parque Nacional Guaramacal Venezuela : Flora of Guaramacal (Venezuela) : monocotyledons / L.J. Dorr.; Dorr, Laurence J.  2014 1
  Parr Catharine Queen Consort Of Henry Viii King Of England 1512 154 -- See Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548
  Parr Catherine Queen Consort Of Henry Viii King Of England 1512 154 -- See Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548
  Parr Katharine Queen Consort Of Henry Viii King Of England 1512 154 -- See Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548
  Parr Katherine Queen Consort Of Henry Viii King Of England 1512 154 -- See Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548
Parr Richard 1617 1691 : A brief narrative of the proceedings of Doctor Parr, and some of the parishioners of Mary Magda'en [sic] - Bermonsey in the county of Surrey : against certain people called Quakers, inhabitants of the said parish, for not paying and complying with an illegal tax, laid under pretence of repairing their church ...; Rawbone, Joseph.  1677 1
Parr Samuel 1747 1825 : Dr. Parr : a portrait of the Whig Dr. Johnson / Waren Derry.; Derry, Warren,  1966 1
Parr Susanna : Susanna's apologie against the elders. Or A vindication of Susanna Parr; : one of those two women lately excommunicated by Mr Lewis Stycley, and his church in Exeter. / Composed and published by her selfe, for the clearing of her own innocency, and the satisfaction of all others, who desire to know the true reason of their so rigorous proceedings against her.; Parr, Susanna.  1659 1
Parr Thomas 1483 1635   5
Parracombe England Maps : Devonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SS 64 SE.; Great Britain.  1963 1
Parranuthnoe England Maps : Cornwall [cartographic material] : sheet SW 53 SW & part of SW 52 NW.; Great Britain.  1963 1
Parrett River England : Bridgwater docks and the River Parrott.; Murless, Brian J.  1983 1
Parricide Early Works To 1800 : Strange news from Stratton in Cornwal: or, A true relation of a cruel b[l]oody murther commited by one J.R. upon his own father, for lucre of enjoying his estate : who (after he had committed the fact, and laid the knife in the bed where his father lay) called in several neighbours to witness that his father had murthered himself; bu [sic] upon search, his shirt and breast were found besprinkled with his fathers blood; upon which search he fell in a swound, and after his recovery confest the fact, and is now in goal [sic] Written by one William Reddish, who was in Stratton at the same time when the murther was committed: and written since in a letter to Mr. Pearce Manaton in Windmill-Court in the Burcherrow near Temple-Barr, by his brother, living within half a mile of the said town. With allowance.; Reddish, William.  1680? 1
Parricide England Early Works To 1800   2
Parris Charles   3
Parris Samuel 1653 1720 : More wonders of the invisible world, or, The wonders of the invisible world : display'd in five parts ... : to which is added a postscript relating to a book intitled, The life of Sir William Phips / collected by Robert Calef, merchant of Boston in New England.; Calef, Robert,  1700 1
Parrish Mary E Jones : The nation must awake : my witness to the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 / Mary E. Jones Parrish ; foreword by John Hope Franklin ; introduction by John Hope Franklin and Scott Ellsworth ; afterword by Anneliese M. Bruner.; Parrish, Mary E. Jones,  2021 1
Parrots : Parrot / Paul Carter.; Carter, Paul,  2006 1
Parrott Mollie Carroll : The dawn at my back : memoir of a Black Texas upbringing.; Blue, Carroll Parrott.  2003 1
Parrott Thomas Marc : Essays in dramatic literature : the Parrott presentation volume ... / edited by H. Craig.  1967 1
Parry And Company Limited : Thomas Parry : free merchant, Madras, 1768-1824.; Hodgson, Gerald Hassall,  1938 1
Parry Bruce : Amazon / Bruce Parry with Jane Houston.; Parry, Bruce.  2009 1
Parry C Hubert H Charles Hubert Hastings 1848 1918   3
Parry Edward Sir 1790 1855   2
Parry Joseph 1841 1903 Fiction : Off to Philadelphia in the morning / by Jack Jones.; Jones, Jack,  1947 1
Parry Mr : An Account of a most barbarous and bloody murthre, committed yesterday in Covent-Garden, by Mr. Parry who belong to the play-house : on the body of Mr. Henry Arthur, who was lately try'd for robbing the Western Maile.  1699 1
Parry Robert Active 1540 1612   2
Parry Thomas 1768 1824 : Thomas Parry : free merchant, Madras, 1768-1824.; Hodgson, Gerald Hassall,  1938 1
Parry William 1585   13
Parse Rosemarie Rizzo : Rosemarie Parse : theory of health as human becoming.; Bunting, Sheila.  1993 1
Parsees : Zoroastrian and Parsi studies : selected works of John R. Hinnells.; Hinnells, John R.,  2000 1
Parsees Early Works To 1800 : A display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies : vizt: the sect of the Banians the ancient natiues of India and the sect of the Persees the ancient inhabitants of Persia· together with the religion and maners of each sect collected into two bookes by Henry Lord sometimes resident in East India and preacher to the Hoble Company of Merchants trading thether; Lord, Henry,  1630 1
Parson Cross England Maps   3
Parson Drove England Maps : Cambridgeshire - Lincolnshire [cartographic material] : sheet TF 30 NE.; Great Britain.  1982 1
Parson Karen M : Diary of a port chaplain : my journey of faith with seafarers / Karen M. Parsons.; Parsons, Karen M.  2014 1
Parsonages Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : An act for quiet enjoying of sequestred parsonages and vicaridges : by the present incumbent. At the Parliament begun at VVestminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom. 1656.; England and Wales.  1657 1
Parsons George Samuel   2
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