Part Time Employment Europe Congresses : Flexible working and organisational change : the integration of work and personal life / edited by Bram Peper, Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes, Laura den Dulk.
Part Time Employment Law And Legislation Great Britain : Tolley's managing fixed-term and part-time workers : a practical guide to employing temporary and part-time staff / by Lynda A.C. Macdonald.; Macdonald, Lynda A. C.
Part Time Employment North America : Part-time prospects : an international comparison of part-time work in Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim / edited by Jacqueline OʼReilly and Colette Fagan.
Part Time Employment Pacific Area : Part-time prospects : an international comparison of part-time work in Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim / edited by Jacqueline OʼReilly and Colette Fagan.
Part Time Employment United States : Between equalization and marginalization : women working part-time in Europe and the United States of America / edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Catherine Hakim.
Parthians History : Arsacids, Romans, and local elites : cross-cultural interactions of the Parthian Empire / edited by Jason M. Schlude and Benjamin B. Rubin.
Parti Communiste De Belgique History : Le Parti communiste de Belgique (1921-1944) : actes de la journée d'étude de Bruxelles - 28 avril 1979.; Collectif d'histoire et d'études marxistes.