Party Of Democratic Kampuchea : Lost child [electronic resource] : Sayon's journey / directed and produced by Janet P. Gardner.
Parwich England Maps : [Derbyshire - Staffordshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 15 SE.; Great Britain.
Pas De Calais France Politics And Government : De Blum à Daladier : le Nord/Pas-de-Calais, 1936-1939 / sous la direction de Marcel Gillet et Yves-Marie Hilaire, en collaboration avec J. Bourgeois ... [et al.].
Pasewalk Germany History Early Works To 1800 : Laniena Pasvvalcensis: that is, A tragicall relation of the plundring, butchering, ravishing of the vvemen : and fyreing of the towne of Pasewalke in Pomerland, situated vpon the riuer called the Vcker, written by one which escaped out of that towne to his friend in Penkum, lying not farre from that place, dated the 12. of September 1630. VVherein is layd open to the vvorld, the most in humaine, and horrible insolences, yea the more then barbarous crueltie, and tirrannie committed in that towne by the Emperours officers, souldiers, and crabats, whereof the like was neuer read in any historie comparable to it. First translated out of high Dutch into Nether dutch according to the copie printed at Stralesound by Austin Ferberne, and now translated into English.; Loper, Christian.
Pasic Nikola 1845 1926 : Paic and trumbic, the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes [electronic resource] : makers of the modern world, the peace conferences of 1919-23 and their aftermath; Djokic, Dejan.
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Passenger Ships English Channel : The "Channel Ferry" : advantages and feasibility of a train-ferry between England and France.; De Rodakowski, Ernest.