Peebles John 1739 1823 : John Peebles' American War : the diary of a Scottish grenadier, 1776-1782 / edited by Ira D. Gruber.; Peebles, John,
Peebles Scotland History Early Works To 1800 : An historical relation of the late Presbyterian General Assembly, held at Edinburgh, from Octob. 16 to Nov. 13 in the year 1690 / in a letter from a person in Edinburgh, to his friend in London.; Cockburn, John,
Peeke Thomas Active 1621 : Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. : to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand ... that our poore distressed subiect Thomas Peeke of the towne of Lodden ...; England and Wales.
Peel Isle Of Man Maps : Isle of Man [cartographic material] : sheet SC 28 SW.; Great Britain.
Peer Review Corrupt Practices : Merchants of doubt : how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming / Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway.; Oreskes, Naomi.
Peer Review Great Britain : Peer observation of teaching : implementing a peer observation of teaching scheme with five case studies / by David Gosling.; Gosling, David.
Peeter Stubbe 1589 : A true discourse. Declaring the damnable life and death of one Stubbe Peeter, a most wicked sorcerer : who in the likenes of a woolfe, committed many murders, continuing this diuelish practise 25. yeeres, killing and deuouring men, woomen, and children. Who for the same fact was taken and executed the 31. of October last past in the towne of Bedbur neer the cittie of Collin in Germany. Trulye translated out of the high Duch, according to the copie printed in Collin, brought ouer into England by George Bores ordinary poste, the xi. daye of this present moneth of Iune 1590. who did both see and heare the same.
Pegasus London England 1696 : A curb for Pegasus, or, Observations on The observator. : Number 10. Dated Munday July 6th. 1696. : In relation to the people called Quakers.
Pegler J Jason : Mental health raps : bipolar and manic depressive raps to recovery inspired by Ice Cube, Eminem, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, 2 Pac, Sugar Hill Gang, Jay Z, NWA and every other rap artist out there who cares about madness / Jason Pegler.; Pegler, J.
Pegswood England Maps : Northumberland [cartographic material] : sheet NZ 28 NW.; Great Britain.
Peguy Charles : Peguy et le mystere de l'histoire.; Onimus, Jean.