Philosophical Theology Early Works To 1800 : Exercitationes aliquot metaphysicæ, de Deo: : quòd sit objectum metaphysicæ, quòd sit naturaliter cognoscibilis, quousque, & quibus mediis. Quòd sit æternus, & immensus (contra Verstium) & quomodo, &c. Per Thomam Barlow, Artium Magistrum, & Collegii Reginæ Oxon. Socium.; Barlow, Thomas,
Philosophical Transactions Royal Society Of London : A General index, or, Alphabetical table to all the Philosophical tranasctions from the beginning to July 1677 : also a catalogue of the books mentioned and abbreviated in the transactions digested alphabetically.
Philosophy Ancient Biography : A treatise of morall philosophie : wherein is contained the worthy sayings of philosophers emperours, kings, and orators: their liues and answers: of what linage they came: and of what countrey they were: whose worthy sentences. notable precepts, counsels, and parables, doe hereafter follow. First gathered & set forth by William Bauldwin, and now the ninthtime [sic] since inlarged by Thomas Palfreyman, Gentleman.; Baldwin, William,
Philosophy And Religion Rome : Inventing superstition : from the Hippocratics to the Christians.; Martin, Dale B.,
Philosophy And Religion Sermons : The danger of corrupting the faith by philosophy : a sermon preach'd before the Right Honble, the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen at Guildhall-Chappel on Sunday, April 25, 1697 / by William Sherlock.; Sherlock, William,