Pidley England Maps : Cambridgeshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 37 NW.; Great Britain.
Pie Thomas 1560 1610 Epistola Ad Ornatissimum Virum D Johannem Hous : Vxore dimissa propter fornicationem aliam non licet superinducere : Tertia thesis Ioannis Howsoni inceptoris in sacra theologia, proposita & disputata in vesperiis Oxonij. 1602. Accessit eiusdem theseos defensio contra reprehensiones T. Pyi S.T. Doctoris.; Howson, John,
Piemonte Italy Church History : Some remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of Piedmont / by P. Allix ...; Allix, Pierre,
Piemonte Italy History : The History of the Evangelical churches of the valleys of Piemont : containing a most exact geographical description of the place, and a faithfull account of the doctrine, life, and persecutions of the ancient inhabitants : together with a most naked and punctual relation of the late bloudy massacre, 1655, and a narrative of all the following transactions, to ... 1658 : all which are justified, partly by divers ancient manuscripts written many hundred years before Calvin or Luther, and partly by other most authentick attestations, the true originals ... are to be seen ... in the publick library of ... the University of Cambridge / collected and compiled ... by Samuel Morland.
Piemonte Italy History Military Early Works To 1800 : An exact journal of the siege of Coni in Piemont : with an account of the manner of raising it, by Prince Eugene of Savoy this present year 1691 which has so much mortified the French King, and occasioned the imprisonment of the Sieur de Bulonde, humbly presented to his Royal Highness the Duke of Savoy / by Giovanni Renaldo ... ; sent in a manuscript from Turin to a person of quality in London.; Rinaldo, Giovanni.
Pierazzini Paola Trials Litigation Etc : Cases of A - Cifola : B - Pandolfelli and Palumbo : C - Pierazzini : D - Tusa : E - Cooperativa Parco Cuma : F - Serrentino : G- Lorenzi, Barnardini and Gritti : H - Tumminelli v.Italy : judgements of 27 February 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.
Pierce Thomas 1622 1691 Divine Philanthropie Defended Against The D : A vindication of the doctrine of Gods absolute decree : and of Christs absolute and special redemption. In way of answer to those objections that are brought against them by Mr. Tho: Pierce, in his treatise, entituled, The divine philanthropy. By Tho: Whitfeld, minister of the gospel.; Whitfield, Thomas,
Pierce Thomas 1622 1691 Heautontimoroumenos : The Grotian religion discovered, : at the invitation of Mr. Thomas Pierce in his Vindication. With a preface, vindicating the Synod of Dort from the calumnies of the new Tilenus; and David, Peter, &c. And the Puritanes, and sequestrations, &c. from the censures of Mr. Pierce. / By Richard Baxter, Catholick.; Baxter, Richard,
Pierce Thomas 1622 1691 New Discoverer Discoverd : A review of the Certamen epistolare betwixt Pet. Heylin D.D. and Hen. Hickman B.D. : Wherein the exceptions of the Dr. against Mr. H.'s arguments are all taken off, and our first reformers proved not to hold with the Arminians. Also a reply to Mr. Pierce his late virulent letter to the aforesaid Dr. / By Theophilus Churchman.; Hickman, Henry,
Pierrepont Family : The benefit of afflictions to the people of God : opened and applyed in a sermon preached at St. Maryes in Nottingham, March 31, 1659, at the funerall of Mrs. Winnifrid Pierrepont, onely daughter to the honourable Mrs. Alissamon Pierrepont, widdow to the Honourable Francis Pierrepont, Esq; son to the right Honourable Robert, late earl of Kingston / by John Whitlock ...; Whitlock, John,
Pierrepont Francis 1658 : Elegies on the much lamented death of the honourable and worthy patriot, Francis Pierepont, Esq., third son of the Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Kingston, who dyed at Nottingham the 30th day of January, 1657/8
Pierrepont Winifred 1659 : The benefit of afflictions to the people of God : opened and applyed in a sermon preached at St. Maryes in Nottingham, March 31, 1659, at the funerall of Mrs. Winnifrid Pierrepont, onely daughter to the honourable Mrs. Alissamon Pierrepont, widdow to the Honourable Francis Pierrepont, Esq; son to the right Honourable Robert, late earl of Kingston / by John Whitlock ...; Whitlock, John,
Pierreville Gideon Present State Of Denmark And Reflections Upon The Ancien : Advertisement. : Newly published; The present state of Denmark: together with reflections on the antient state thereof G. Pierreville, Gent. secretary to the king's minister, residing at the court of Denmark. Pirce bound one shilling. Sold by William Benbridg [sic] in Hudgins Alley, in Woodstreet..
Pierson Hendrik 1834 1923 : Hendrik Pierson : een hoofdstuk uit de geschiedenis van de inwendige zending.; Schram, P.L.
Pieta : American pietàs : visions of race, death, and the maternal / Ruby C. Tapia.; Tapia, Ruby C.
Pietermaritzburg South Africa Social Conditions : The level playing field : how the Aurora Cricket Club stumped apartheid / Christopher Nicholson and Mike Hickson.; Nicholson, Christopher,
Pietism Germany : The life of Lady Johanna Eleonora Petersen, written by herself : Pietism and women's autobiography / edited and translated by Barbara Becker-Cantarino.; Petersen, Johanna Eleonora,
Pietists Germany Biography : The life of Lady Johanna Eleonora Petersen, written by herself : Pietism and women's autobiography / edited and translated by Barbara Becker-Cantarino.; Petersen, Johanna Eleonora,