Planets Observers Manuals : Stars and planets / Ian Ridpath ; editorial consultant, Amie Gallagher ; star charts by Royal Greenwich Observatory.; Ridpath, Ian.
Planets Poetry : Les phénomènes d'Aratos / texte etabli et traduit par A.Le Boeuffle.; Germanicus Caesar.
Planets Religious Aspects Early Works To 1800 : Planetomachia: or the first parte of the generall opposition of the seuen planets : wherein is astronomically described their essence, nature, and influence: diuersly discouering in their pleasaunt and tragicall histories, the inward affections of the mindes ... Conteyning also a briefe apologie of the sacred and misticall science of astronomie: by Robert Greene, Master of Arts and student in phisicke. 1585.; Greene, Robert,
Planning England Herefordshire : English county : a planning survey of Herefordshire.; West Midland Group on Post-War Reconstruction and Planning.
Planning Environmental Aspects : Marine and coastal protected areas : a guide for planners and managers / Rodney V. Salm and John R. Clark with Erkki Siirila.; Salm, Rod.
Plant Biotechnology United States : First the seed : the political economy of plant biotechnology, 1492-2000 / Jack Ralph Kloppenburg, Jr.; Kloppenburg, Jack Ralph.
Plant Breeding Political Aspects Africa : Fascist pigs [electronic resource] : technoscientific organisms and the history of fascism / Tiago Saraiva.; Saraiva, Tiago,
Plant Breeding Political Aspects Europe : Fascist pigs [electronic resource] : technoscientific organisms and the history of fascism / Tiago Saraiva.; Saraiva, Tiago,
Plant Breeding United States : First the seed : the political economy of plant biotechnology, 1492-2000 / Jack Ralph Kloppenburg, Jr.; Kloppenburg, Jack Ralph.
Plant Cell Culture : Plant cell culture / Hamish A. Collin, Sue Edwards.; Collin, Hamish A.
Plant Cells And Tissues : An introduction to plant anatomy / by A.J. Eames and L.H. MacDaniels.; Eames, Arthur Johnson.
Plant Collecting Guiana Highlands : Smithsonian plant collections, the Guianas : 1991-1993 and 1995-2000, Bruce Hoffman / Sara N. Alexander ... [et al.]
Plant Communities Great Britain Classification : A UK plant conservation strategy : a strategic framework for the conservation of the native flora of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.; Palmer, Margaret.