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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Prevention : Post traumatic stress disorder and dramatherapy : treatment and risk reduction.; Winn, Linda.  1994 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Psychological Aspects : The body remembers : the psychophysiology of trauma and trauma treatment / Babette Rothschild.; Rothschild, Babette,  2000 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Psychology : Freud and the scene of trauma / John Fletcher.; Fletcher, John,  2013 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Social Aspects : Sociodrama and collective trauma / Peter Felix Kellermann.; Kellermann, Peter Felix.  2007 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment   21
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Case Studies : The boy who was raised as a dog : and other stories from a child psychiatrist's notebook : what traumatized children can teach us about loss, love, and healing / Bruce D. Perry, Maia Szalavitz.; Perry, Bruce D.  2008 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Handbooks Manuals Etc : Developmental couple therapy for complex trauma : a manual for therapists / Heather B. MacIntosh.; MacIntosh, Heather B.,  2019 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Popular Works   3
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment United States : Treating PTSD in military personnel : a clinical handbook / edited by Bret A. Moore, Walter E. Penk ; foreword by Matthew J. Friedman.  2019 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder United States History 19th Century : Heavy laden : Union veterans, psychological illness, and suicide / Larry M. Logue, Peter Blanck ; a foreword by Elyn Saks.; Logue, Larry M.,  2018 1
  Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome -- See Myalgic encephalomyelitis
  Post Women -- See Letter carriers
Postage Stamps Burma   2
Postage Stamps Sarawak : The stamps and postal history of Sarawak.; Forrester-Wood, William Rodney.  1959 1
Postal Rates England Early Works To 1800   2
Postal Rates France : Cases of Beldjoudi, Periscope and X v. France : judgment of 26 and 31 March, 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.  1992 1
Postal Rates Great Britain : To the honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, a brief scheme humbly presented : for raising 40000 l. per annum with great facility, by a duty that may be laid on the postage of letters, in lieu of the intended duty on glass.; Weston, Charles.  1695 1
Postal Rates Great Britain Early Works To 1800   3
Postal Service   15
Postal Service Belgium : Wat men weten moet over de Ministrie van Verkeers van Posterijen, Telegraphie en Telefonie.; Belgisch Instituut voor Voorlichting en Documentatie.  1971 1
Postal Service Borneo History : Borneo : the Japanese P.O.W. camps : mail of the forces, P.O.W. and internees.; Watterson, Neville.  1989 1
Postal Service Canada Prince Edward Island History : Prince Edward Island / by Leslie G. Tomlinson and Nugent M. Clougher.; Tomlinson, Leslie G.  1959 1
Postal Service Censorship Italy Lucchesia : Sotto l'inchiostro nero : fascismo, guerra e censura postale in Lucchesia (1940-1944).; Pardini, Giuseppe.  2001 1
Postal Service Early Works To 1800 : A discourse briefly shewing the true state and title of the Comptroller, or Postmaster generall of England : the Lord Stanhopes right to it, and consequently to the forraigne and inland letter offices, as incident thereunto, and more plainly appeares by a report of Sir Robert Heath, then his Maiesties atturney generall: by a verdict or jury of 12. men in the Kings bench, and a report in the Commons House of Parliament, in the 4. of our gratious soveraigne. 12. Novembris, 37 Henrici Octavi.; Stanhope of Harrington, Charles Stanhope,  1646 1
Postal Service Employees : Adjudication in the trade dispute between the Posts and Telegraphs Department and its non-gazetted employees : (directed by the Government of India under rule 81-A of the Defence of India Rules).; Rajadhyaksha, G.S.  1946 1
Postal Service Employees Labor Unions Great Britain History : Official recognition : the story of postal trade unionism.  1956 1
Postal Service Employees Salaries Etc Burma : Manual of appointments and allowances of officers of the Posts and Telegraphs Department in Burma.  1938 1
Postal Service England   10
Postal Service England Early Works To 1800   29
Postal Service England Foreign Mail Early Works To 1800 : By the King. : Whereas heretofore sundry wayes haue bene deuised to redresse the disorders among the postes of our realme in generall, and particularly to preuent the inconueniences both to our owne seruice, and the lawfull trade of the honest merchants ...; England and Wales.  1609 1
Postal Service England Handbooks Manuals Etc Early Works To 1800 : A brief director for those that would send their letters to any parts of England, Scotlaud, or Ireland. Or A list of all the carriers, waggoners coaches, posts, ships, barks, hoys, and passage-boats, that come to London, from the most parts and places, by land & sea : Alphabetically printed, so that none may pretend ignorance, who would gladly send, but know not where to carry their letters. With the dayes when they come, and when they return. And also to send letters to the most habitable parts of the world, and to have an answer.; Taylor, John,  1642? 1
Postal Service England History   2
Postal Service England History 17th Century : For information to all people where to deliver their letters by the penny post : the following list is an account of the several houses within the city and liberty of Westminster to Temple-Bar without, and some adjacent parts, appointed by the undertakers for receiving letters and pacquets under a pound weight, to be conveyed to all or any part of the said city : as also of London, and all the weekly bills of mortality.  1680 1
Postal Service England History Sources : An advertisement from the General Penny-Post-Office; England and Wales.  1685 1
Postal Service England Kent Early Works To 1800 : Proclamations. 1585-01-29; England and Wales.  1618 1
Postal Service England Kent History : By the King, orders decreed vpon for the furtherance of our seruice, asvvell in vvriting, as riding in poste : specially set downe, and commanded to be obserued, where our posts are established within our countie of Kent.; England and Wales.  1621 1
Postal Service England London Early Works To 1800   3
Postal Service English Channel History : The centenary of the Ostend-Dover Line, 1846-1946 : a contribution to the history of the anglo-continental maritime relations by mailboat service since its origin.; Burbure de Wesembeek, Albert de.  1946? 1
Postal Service European Economic Community Countries : Community postal services : v.2 : evidence.; Great Britain.  1996 1
Postal Service Finland Aland History : Postfärderna över Ålands hav.; Wilén, Broge.  1975 1
Postal Service Great Britain   5
Postal Service Great Britain Early Works To 1800   17
Postal Service Great Britain History   3
Postal Service Great Britain History 16th Century : Packhorse, waggon and post : land carriage and communications under the Tudors and Stuarts / by J. Crofts.; Crofts, J.  1967 1
Postal Service Great Britain History 17th Century : Packhorse, waggon and post : land carriage and communications under the Tudors and Stuarts / by J. Crofts.; Crofts, J.  1967 1
Postal Service Great Britain History 19th Century : Postal pleasures : sex, scandal, and Victorian letters / Kate Thomas.; Thomas, Katie-Louise.  c2012 1
Postal Service Great Britain History Early Works To 1800 : VVhereas there was an act made in the 12th year of this King, entituled, An act for the creating and establishing a post office; : wherein the postage of letters for His Majesties dominions is exprest; and also a schedule of rates for foreign letters: in which act there is a proviso in the words following.  1681 1
Postal Service Great Britain Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : Votes concerning the post-master. : Also rules of direction for the government of souldiers, made by Captain Dovvet, and delivered to his troopers. With his speech for their observance.  1642 1
Postal Service History : To the letter : a curious history of correspondence / Simon Garfield.; Garfield, Simon,  2014 1
Postal Service In Literature : Telegraphic realism : Victorian fiction and other information systems / Richard Menke.; Menke, Richard.  2008 1
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