Prediction Of Scholastic Success Testing : Learning potential assessment and cognitive training : actual research and perspectives in theory building and methodology / edited by G.M. van der Aalsvoort, W.C.M. Resing, A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars.
Predictive Astrology : Catastrophe Galliæ, or, The French king's fatal downfal : predicted to happen in or about the years 1691 or 92 : together with his nativity, calculated according to the rules of astrology : as likewise that of the present emperor of Germany and the grand signior : with probable conjectures upon the Turks new eruptions into Europe : all humbly submitted to the candid and ingenuous sons of art / by J.P. ...; Merrifield, John.
Predistination Early Works To 1800 : The order of causes. : Of [brace] Gods fore-knowledge, election, and predestination. And of mans salvation or damnation. Laid down so clearly, and proved so plainly by the scriptures, that even the meanest capacity amongst rational men may understand it, to their great satisfaction. As also, whether Christ died for all, or not for all: with the causes and effects that may follow or not follow, seriously considered, meekly controverted, and proved plainly by the scriptures of truth; to the great satisfaction of all rational people fearing God. / By Henry Haggar, a servant of Christ, and of the congregations of his saints.; Haggar, Henry.
Preferences Philosophy : Preferences and well-being / edited by Serena Olsaretti ; contributors, Richard Arneson ... [et al.].
Prefrontal Cortex : Executive and cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex : a discussion organized and edited by A.C. Roberts, T.W. Robbins and L. Weiskrantz.
Pregnancy England Early Works To 1800 : A person that hath travelled abroad in the world hath got the knowledge of a great secret, to cure barrenness, : which he hath made use of for many years with very great success, as he can make appear by the testimony of several persons in London, Westminster, and other places thereabouts ...
Pregnancy England South East : Great expectations : a prospective study of women's expectations and experiences of childbirth / Josephine M. Green, Vanessa A. Coupland, Jenny V. Kitzinger.; Green, Josephine.
Pregnancy Great Britain Psychological Aspects : Sanctioning pregnancy : a psychological perspective on the paradoxes and culture of research / Harriet Gross and Helen Pattison.; Gross, Harriet
Pregnancy History : With child : birth through the ages.; Carter, Jenny.
Pregnancy In Physically Handicapped Women : Multiple sclerosis and having a baby : everything you need to know about conception, pregnancy, and parenthood.; Graham, Judy.