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Presbyterian Church Sermons Early Works To 1800 : The saints support, : set out in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. At a publick fast, 29. Iune, 1642. By William Gouge.; Gouge, William,  1642 1
Presbyterian Church Texas Clergy Biography : John McCullough : pioneer Presbyterian missionary and teacher in the republic of Texas.; McCullough, William Wallace.  1966 1
Presbyterian Church United States Clergy Biography   2
Presbyterian Church Virginia Clergy Biography   2
Presbyterianism   134
Presbyterianism Apologetic Works   9
Presbyterianism Apologetic Works 17th Century : A true representation of Presbyterian government, : wherein a short and clear account is given of the principles of them that owne it. The common objections against it answered, and some other things opened that concern it in the present circumstances. / By a friend to that interest.; Rule, Gilbert,  1690 1
Presbyterianism Apologetic Works Early Works To 1800   13
Presbyterianism Apologetic Works History And Criticism : Reformation fictions : polemical Protestant dialogues in Elizabethan England / Antoinina Bevan Zlatar.; Zlatar, Antoinina Bevan.  2011 1
Presbyterianism Bibliography Catalogues Early Works To 1800 : The beacons quenched: or The humble information of divers officers of the Army, and other wel-affected persons, to the Parliament and Common-wealth of England; concerning the Machivilian design of the Presbyterians, now carrying on by the Stationers of London. : To bring an odium upon the Parliament and Army, introduce the whole body of Presbyterian doctrine and worship. seduce the good people of this Common-wealth, unto the Presbyterian slavery, than which nothing can be worse. By publishing divers treasonable and most scandalous books (a catalogue of many whereof is here inserted) against the honor of the Parliament, the Lord Generall, and severall other worthy members of this Common-Wealth.  1652 1
Presbyterianism Catechisms   14
Presbyterianism Catechisms Early Works To 1800   2
Presbyterianism Controversial Literature   25
Presbyterianism Controversial Literature Anglican Authors : The Presbyterians loyalty and zeal for religion : demonstrated in a letter by way of reply to a late fanatical pamphlet intituled The Knave uncloak'd, or, The Jesuit in its colours : shewing how industriously our modern rumpers endeavor ... to promote the good old cause : also proving Presbyterians to be schismaticks and bishops jure divino superior to presbyters : together with a serious and seasonable advertisement to all true and loyal Protestants.  1680 1
Presbyterianism Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800   75
Presbyterianism Controversial Literature Poetry Early Works To 1800   3
Presbyterianism Doctrines   3
Presbyterianism Doctrines Early Works To 1800   5
Presbyterianism Drama : The Presbyterian lash, or, Noctroff's maid whipt. The first part : a tragy-comedy as it was lately acted in the great roome at the Pye Tavern at Aldgate / by Noctroffe the priest and severall of his parishoners.; Kirkman, Francis,  1661 1
Presbyterianism Early Works To 1800   204
Presbyterianism England Early Works To 1800   10
Presbyterianism England Middlesex Early Works To 1800 : The division of the county of Middlesex into four classicall presbyteries. : Together with the names of the ministers and others fit to be of each classis. Approved of by the committee of Lords and Commons appointed thereunto by ordinance of both houses of Parliaament.  1647 1
Presbyterianism England Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The phanaticks plot discovered : being a true relation of their strange proceedings in Glocester-shire and other counties; and what hath since hapned upon the appearing of the two great bodies of frogs and toads, (as they pretended) in sundry shapes and dreadful colours; to the great wonder of all loyal subjects, that shall seriously peruse these following lines. To the tune of, Packingtons pound.  1660 1
Presbyterianism Great Britain : The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity in the points of difference betwixt the Church of England and the dissenters : novv published in vindication of the moderate and learned part of the Presbyterians, to let the vvorld see that they are not so irreconcilable to the discipline of the Church of England, as some people vvould have us believe.; Baxter, Richard,  1689 1
Presbyterianism Great Britain Early Works To 1800   2
Presbyterianism History   4
Presbyterianism History 17th Century   2
Presbyterianism History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : Bp Carletons testimonie concerning the Presbyterian discipline in the Low-Countries, and Episcopall government here in England. : VVherein is briefly discovered the novelty of the one, and antiquity of the other; with a short taste of the inconveniences that attend the new plat-forme, where that is set up in the roome of the old primitive government. Published for the common good.; Carleton, George,  1642 1
Presbyterianism History 19th Century : Isaac Nelson : radical abolitionist, evangelical Presbyterian, and Irish Nationalist / Daniel Ritchie.; Ritchie, Daniel,  2018 1
Presbyterianism Humour Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : The fovr-legg'd elder, or, A horrible relation of a dog and an elders maid : to the tune of The lady's fall.; Birkenhead, John,  1647 1
Presbyterianism Humour Early Works To 1800   9
Presbyterianism Humour Poetry Early Works To 1800   2
Presbyterianism New Jersey History Sources Catalogues : Inventory of the church archives of New Jersey. Presbyterians : Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., United Presbyterian Church of North America.; New Jersey Historical Records Survey Project.  1940 1
Presbyterianism Poetry : Bellum presbyteriale, or, As much said for the presbyter as may be : together with their covenants catastrophe : held forth in an heroick poem / by Matth. Stevenson, Gent.; Stevenson, Matthew,  1661 1
Presbyterianism Poetry Early Works To 1800   5
Presbyterianism Political Aspects : A New Presbiterian ballad to the old tune of The clean contrary way  1681 1
Presbyterianism Prophecies Early Works To 1800 : The Presbyterians prophecie concerning the King, Parliament, City, Army, and Kingdome. : Containing, the admirable fulnesse, of the restauration and satisfaction of all interests, rights, and priviledges, both to King, Queen, Prince, Dukes, Earles, Lords, Knights, Esquires, and all other commoners whatsoever, within his Majesties realms and dominions. And their declaration and proposalls concerning religion, and government, in order to the proceedings of the Lord Generall Fairfax, Lieutenant Gen. Cromwell. Commissary Gen. Ireton. And the rest of the collonels, lieutenants, majors, and captains in the Army. With a declaration of the proceedings of his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax, and the Generall Councel of the Army, to the City, and Kingdom; shewing the foundation and manner, how religion, and law, shall be established in this nation. And a new Covenant for the people, to subscribe unto, which will be ordered, to be forthwith read and published, in all churches and chappells throughout the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales.  1648 1
Presbyterianism Scotland   5
Presbyterianism Scotland Early Works To 1800   8
Presbyterianism Sermons : Man made righteous by Christ's obedience : being two sermons at Pinners-Hall : with enlargements, &c. : also some remarks on Mr. Mather's postscript, &c. / by Daniel Williams.; Williams, Daniel,  1694 1
Presbyterians   2
Presbyterians Anecdotes   7
Presbyterians Biography : The education of Betsey Stockton : an odyssey of slavery and freedom / Gregory Nobles.; Nobles, Gregory H.,  2022 1
Presbyterians Catechisms Early Works To 1800 : Shorter catechism. 1656.; Westminster Assembly  1656 1
Presbyterians Congo Democratic Republic Biography : William Sheppard : Congo's African American Livingstone / William E. Phipps.; Phipps, William E.,  2002 1
Presbyterians Controversial Literature   2
Presbyterians Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : A confvtation of the new Presbyterian error. : Shewing not onely how neere our late Presbyterians come to the Anabaptists, in restrayning the Supper of the Lord from the people, by way of examination, as they doe children from the sacrament of baptisme, by way of confession; but also how they agree with Papists in auricular confession: and that their practise is sacriligious, new, usurped, and tyrannicall. By Alexander Mingzeis, minister of Gods word.; Mingzeis, Alexander.  1648 1
Presbyterians England   8
Presbyterians England Controversial Literature : To all Presbiterian [sic] ministers, who own themselves to be ministers of Christ's gospel, and say they suffer persecution for his names sake, : to read and consider in this day, in which they may see themselves with the light within, and also measure themselves with their own rule the scriptures, I Cor. 9 14,16 ...; Wollrich, Humphry,  1661 1
Presbyterians England Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : A list of the clergy of Hampshire; or A brief catalogue of the learned, grave, religious, and painfull minister of Hampshire : Who have been imprisoned, plundered, and barbarously used, deprived of all livelyhood, for themselves and their families, in the late rebellion, for their constancy in the Protestant religion, and their loyalty to their King, under that grand Presbyterian tyranny.  1662 1
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