Price Fixing France : A - case of Societe Stenuit v. France : judgement of 27 February 1992 : B - Case of Birou v. France : judgement of 27 February 1992 : C - Case of B. v. France : judgement of 25 March 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.
Price Harry 1877 1965 : The royal tour, 1901, or, The cruise of H.M.S. Ophir : being a lower deck account of their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York's voyage around the British Empire.; Price, Harry,
Price John : The indictment and arraignment of John Price Esquire, late receiver-general in Ireland : with a hundred and one other Protestants, at Wicklow, before John Keating Esq, Chief Justice of the Common pleas a Protestant, and Henry Lynch Knight Baron of the Exchequer, a Papist / collected by a Person that was present and took the same in writing.; Person that was present.
Price John Citizen Of London : A letter of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburns, / written to Mr. John Price of Colemanstreet London, (and a member of Mr. John Goodwins congregation) the 31. of March 1651. about the harsh and unequal dealing that his unckle Mr. George Lilburn, and several others of his family findes from the hands of Sir Arthur Haslerig. Unto which is annexed Mr. John Price his answer thereunto.; Lilburne, John,
Price John Citizen Of London City Remonstrance Remonstrated : A iustification of The city remonstrance and its Vindication. Or, An answer to a book written by Mr. J.P. entituled, The city remonstrance remonstrated. : Wherein the frequent falsifyings of the said Mr. J.P. are discovered, the many charges by him laid upon the remonstrance and its vindicator, disproved, and the parity and agreement of the remonstrance (especially in those particulars so much condemned by him) with the propositions, declarations, remonstrances, and votes, of both or either House of Parliament manifested. / By John Bellamie.; Bellamie, John,
Price John Citizen Of London Musgrave Muzld Or The Mouth Of Iniquitie Stope : Musgraves musle broken, or Truth pleading against falshood; : being a just defence and answer to two papers read by Sir Arthur Haslerig: set forth in a letter written to Mr. Moyer, one of the commissioners for compounding. Wherein is discovered how the common-wealth is abused by sub-cummissioners for sequestrations, and a revenue of 13000 l. per annum brought into the state, upon the discovery and charge of John Musgrave.; Musgrave, John,
Price Maintenance Great Britain : The law relating to competitive trading, including trade interference, price maintenance, competition at the hands of former employees and detriment to goods and trade reputation / by Dorothy Knight Dix.; Waddy, Dorothy Knight,
Price Matthew Active 1678 : The case of Edward Lloyd, Esq; concerning the election of a burgess for the burrough of Montgomery in the county of Montgomery, : to serve in the Parliament, to be holden at Westminster the sixth day of March 1678.; Lloyd, Edward.
Price Regulation England London Early Works To 1800 : VVhereas at the open generall quarter sessions of the publick peace holden for the city of London, at the Guildhall of the same city on Munday the three and twentieth day of Aprill, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and five; ...; City of London (England).
Price Regulation England Oxford Early Works To 1800 : Univers. Oxon. The price of provision, appointed by the Reverend Timothy Halton, Doctor of Divinity : Provost of Queens-Colledge, and Vice-Chancellor to the most illustrious James Duke of Ormond, &c. Chancellor of the University, His Majesties clerk of this market. VVhich prices all sellers are required not to exceed.; University of Oxford.
Price Regulation Ireland Dublin Early Works To 1800 : By Alderman Edmond Reily present Deputy Lord Mayor of the city of Dublin. : Whereas several of the inhabitants of the said city and liberties thereof, and many of His Majesties army, and others now residing in the same, ...; Dublin (Ireland).
Price Regulation Mathematical Models : A comparison of price controls and quantity controls under uncertainty / Gary Wynn Yohe.; Yohe, Gary Wynn,
Price Regulation Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Act of the Commissioners of Supply of the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, : anent the settlement of the prices of victual within the said shire, to the first day of September next. Edinburgh, April 28. 1699.; Edinburgh (Scotland).
Price Richard 1587 : An epitaph vpon the death of Richard Price Esquier (the second sonne of Sir Iohn Price Knight, deceased) : which Richard left this life the fifth day of Ianuarie, 1586.; R. D.,
Price Theodore 1570 1631 : Puritanisme the mother, sinne the daughter. Or a treatise, wherein is demonstrated from twenty seuerall doctrines, and positions of Puritanisme; that the fayth and religion of the Puritans, doth forcibly induce its professours to the perpetrating of sinne, and doth warrant the committing of the same. Written by a Catholic priest, vpon occasion of certaine late most execrable actions of some Puritans, expressed in the page following. Heerunto is added (as an appendix) a funerall discourse touching the late different deathes of two most eminent Protestant deuines; to wit Doctour Price Deane of Hereford, and Doctour Butts Vice-Chancellour of Cambridge. By the same authour; B. C.
Price Theory : Wages and prices : an inquiry into the wages system and the relation of wages and prices.; Snowden, Philip, 1st Viscount Snowden.
Price Thomas Active 1690 : An answer to a lying pamphlet, entituled, The case of Thomas Price, Esq..
Price Vincent : Vincent Price : a daughter's biography.; Price, Victoria.
Prices Bibliography : Price elasticities in international trade : an annotated bibliography / by Robert M. Stern, Jonathan Francis, and Bruce Schumacher.; Stern, Robert M.
Prices England Oxford Early Works To 1800 : Univers. Oxon. The price of provision, appointed by the Reverend Timothy Halton, Doctor of Divinity : Provost of Queens-Colledge, and Vice-Chancellor to the most illustrious James Duke of Ormond, &c. Chancellor of the University, His Majesties clerk of this market. VVhich prices all sellers are required not to exceed.; University of Oxford.
Prices Great Britain History : The standard of living controversy 1790-1840, with special reference to agricultural labourers in seven English countries.; Richardson, Thomas Lill.
Prices Great Britain History 20th Century : The effects of competition : cartel policy and the evolution of strategy and structure in British industry.; Symeonidis, George.