Private Military Companies International Law : The privatized art of war : private military and security companies and state responsibility for their unlawful conduct in conflict areas / Evgeni Moyakine.; Moyakine, Evgeni.
Private Or Civil Law General : A practical approach to alternative dispute resolution / Professor Susan Blake, Associate Professor Julie Browne, Professor Stuart Sime.; Blake, Susan H.
Private Schools : The state and private education : an evaluation of the assisted places scheme.; Edwards, a Trystan.
Private Schools Chile History : La educación privada en Chile : un estudio histórico-analítico desde el período colonial hasta 1990.; Aedo-Richmond, Ruth.
Private Schools England London Early Works To 1800 : In the new school in Somerset Yard in the Strand. : Are taught in a very short, easie and regular method, to children and youth of both sexes, as well as persons of riper years, the rudiments of the Latine, French and English tongues: writing and arithmetick, to the satisfaction of several who have made tryal thereof, at 10 s. a quarter, or 12 d. a week ... also merchants accompts and book-keeping according to the Itali[an] manner now in use, are taught at reasonable rates..
Private Security Services History : Private security and the modern state : historical and comparative perspectives / edited by David Churchill, Dolores Janiewski and Pieter Leloup ; with a foreword by Philip Stenning.
Privateering America Sources : A proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppressing of pirates and privateers in America / James R.; England and Wales.
Privateering Canada Atlantic Provinces History : Prize and prejudice : privateering and naval prize in Atlantic Canada in the War of 1812 / edited by Faye Margaret Kert.; Kert, Faye Margaret.
Privateering Case Studies : Commerce raiding : historical case studies, 1755-2009 / Bruce A. Elleman and S.C.M. Paine, editors.
Privateering Cuba Early Works To 1800 : A true account from on board the good ship Cæsar, in her voyage to the East Indies· : Captain - Wright commander.; Walford, William,
Privateering England 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : Die Martis, 24 October, 1643. The Lords and Commons in Parliament having received certain notice of a cessation of arms concluded with the rebells in Ireland, ...; England and Wales.
Privateering England Liverpool History : History of the Liverpool privateers and letters of marque : with an account of the Liverpool slave trade, 1744-1812 / Gomer Williams ; introduction by David Eltis.; Williams, Gomer.
Privateering France : A True account of a fight between Captain John Leech, commander of the ship Ann of London, of 14 guns and 19 men from Jamaica, and a French privateer of 24 guns and some petteraroes : as it came in a letter to his owners from Plymouth, dated the second of this instant January 1689.
Privateering France Early Works To 1800 : Ordonnance du Roy tres-Chrestien, touchant les vaisseaux Anglois, Escossois, & Irlandois, qui seront recountrés en mer par ses vasseaux, ou par ceus de ses sujets armés in cours = The most Christian Kings edict or proclamation concerning English, Scotish, and Irish ships that shall be met at sea by his said Majesties ships, or by privateers acting by his commission / Translated out of the French, and published by authority.; France.